32 y/o, 13 hrs a day work 6/7 a week. been into the gym in the past and Crossfit lately but got injured (not during Crossfit) and got to stop everything.
Now I’m looking on getting back on road with some GPP program like “Simple & Sinister” to get back in shape and strong to keep carry on with life.
Will start next week and hopefully will keep track of my results in here.
Im 6’ 4" 198 cm x 205 pounds around 17% bodyfat (guessing here) idea is just get a lil heavier and maintain %.
Shoulder mobility good but big impingement on the right one as well on the biceps.
1st attempt
Warm up
5 Priying Squats 16kgs kb
5 Supine hip Bridges
5 Halos each side
10 one hand kb sing 16 kgs kb x 5 times each arm
5 get ups per side (bodyweight only) focusing on form and stability, still have the right arm severely damaged (wrist and shoulder)
Sort of, the warm up should be 5 sets total and the get ups shall be executed with the same kb (16kgs in this case)…which I’m going to try today, there’s no running involved also.
BTW the time yesterday was 6:05 mins per km on minimalistic shoes.
45 mins Elliptical (started on mid resistance and increasing it till max for the last 5 mins) total kcals around 600 as per bike’s monitor and around 650 as per hr monitor.
“Warm up” x 3 times
5 Priying Squats 16kgs kb
5 Supine hip Bridges
5 Halos each side
10 one hand kb sing 16 kgs kb x 5 times each arm
5 get ups per side 5 kgs
Shoulder pain 5/10
Wrist pain 4/10
Feeling great, no much soreness, perhaps some low back during early morning but not much.
I didn’t mention but I do around 10 mins stretches after every session.
Confirmed assistance to the 2 days seminar SAT14 and SUN15 / DEC.
I did a 3km’s Run at a 5 min per km pace.
“Warm up” x 3 times
5 Priying Squats 16kgs kb
5 Supine hip Bridges
5 Halos each side
10 one hand kb sing 16 kgs kb x 5 times each arm
5 get ups per side 5 kgs
“Warm up” x 3 times took around 20 minutes, I did it pretty carefully and slow.
5 Priying Squats 16kgs kb
5 Supine hip Bridges
5 Halos each side
Workout took around 28 mins
10 one hand kb sing 16 kgs kb x 5 times each arm
4 get ups per side 5 kgs
1 get up per side 16 kgs kb (Got to try this but I dont want to rush things as the injuries are still there on both wrist and shoulder)
Shoulder pain 5/10
Wrist pain 6/10 (here got to blame my 25 kg’s dog jumped on my wrist while I was on the floor)
Yeah sure! Seminar went quite well and under my opinion was extremely necessary in order to perform every movement correctly. Highly recommended. You can check some courses on the Strongfirst website there are several in the US and around the world.
I keep record of my log in there now as it suits better than in here.