Does anyone know of any studies in which heart function/health and androgen usage is studied with high levels of endogenous testosterone production compared to exogenous? I’m curious to see if individuals with naturally elevated levels would be at similar risk as those who artificially raise their hormone levels to a similar range.
The connection of low T with heart disease is well established. And low T, high belly fat and high E go along with insulin resistance and diabetes. Also, this hormone imbalance with high E is creates more prostate enlargement than T does. E is a risk factor for prostate cancer. But once a tumor exists, elevated T is not a good idea.
Another issue, is that very low E levels are a risk factor for arterial disease, lipid imbalances and endothelial dysfunction. Elevated E from increased T levels are cardioprotective. But when using a harsh AI such as femara, E levels can be too low. Such low levels can kill libido as well.
The above may be useful, but how this plays with extremes is hard to know. For a young, lean, healthy guy with otherwise normal hormone balances, there may be no improvement in life span from doing cycles. But we do not see any signs of health problems from long term [informed and sane] gear cycles.
[quote]Carbon-12 wrote:
Does anyone know of any studies in which heart function/health and androgen usage is studied with high levels of endogenous testosterone production compared to exogenous? I’m curious to see if individuals with naturally elevated levels would be at similar risk as those who artificially raise their hormone levels to a similar range.[/quote]
I don’t know what your personal definition of “high levels” is, but I just reviewed a study on this very same subject this month in “Spot the Fake”.
What I’m getting at is would someone with a natural level of say 1100 or so have the same issues associated with administering Test Prop or something until a similar level was reached?