[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
If you want to know your E2, get it tested. Otherwise you are just stroking your brain-cock.
This is more appropriate for the TRT forum, but you will probably get better answers here.
The answer is that yes, people do sometimes have high E2 and it causes issues for them. But this is usually associated with some sort of disease state. It seems that if your body is naturally producing high testosterone, you actually don’t tend to convert a lot of that to estrogen. This is due to the body’s tightly controlled feedback loop–if you start aromatizing too much, your body downregulates your T production to compensate.
The issues we see in the TRT forum are associated with disease states and mostly correspond to low T/high E2 (or too high of a ratio) that ends up with estrogen dominance. This can be caused by many things–liver clearance issues, being too fat, or more likely due to downregulation of other hormone functions, specifically cortisol and thyroid. There is a good discussion on this written by “chilln” on Dr. Crisler’s forum called Hormones 101 (or something to that effect).
Interestingly, it seems that AI monotherapy does not tend to improve symptoms in the vast majority of cases I’ve seen. Even if they get a corresponding increase in T (up to double and very well within the range) and lowered E2, the symptoms still persist.
Thanks for the response.
So basically what you are saying is that it is unlikely that I have high E2 levels if my natural testosterone production is high, because of the body’s automatic regulatory mechanisms.
In this case, what could be a cause of my high fat storage in my hips/thighs/glutes?
Also, on a somewhat related note, I have never really had very high of a libido, especially if one takes into account my apparently high test levels. I figured this could be a cause of E2 levels, although it could also be prolactin (but this would probably signal a problem with thyroid) or a problem with dopamine/seratonin/depression (not too sure how relevant this is to me).
So, basically, my question still remains in that:
What is causing this fat storage? Pure genetics, or a combination of hormones (high E2)?
My libido is quite low, especially recently, for my corresponding test levels. Could E2 be a factor in this? (I understand there are also other things to consider, but I am not sure how relevant they are when pertaining to me.)
As I understand, you said that people typically don’t have naturally high E2 levels as a result of naturally high testosterone? So, what I am suggesting I have is not likely? And if it is possible, putting yourself under continuous regimens of AIs would not work?
Thanks for the help
As for additional info, I’m in my early 20s, and am 6’3 230ish at between 14-16% bf.