I want to get your experiences with the doctors/physios etc that you’ve deal with. Were they helpful, caring or just plain apathetic?
I felt a horrible pain in my right knee EXACTLY a year ago - and it is still there today. I saw 4 general practitioners who got me an appointment with a national health service physio - the only trouble is, my appointment is for february. That’s 13 months since the injury - this was all on the National Health Service (the free stuff)
Anyhow, I decided to lash out on a private physio (approx $70-80 dollars per half hour consultation) - six months later, no change in the knee problem and she didn’t know what could be wrong.
She suggested I get a scan … and they tell me it’ll be another SIX months before I can get scanned.
This means I’ve not been able to run (and I play 3 sports usually) for over a year, and likely won’t for another 6 months …
18 months out, because that’s the earliest I can be seen.
I’m 24 and I haven’t been able to do a single weighted squat, or deadlift or even a 30 second jog because of the pain and the earliest I’ll been seen is 18 months after I flagged the problem with them.
Its driving me insane - I’ve missed two seasons of sport now and my fitness has come to such a standstill that I have to stop at the top of a two story flight of steps to recover from the effort.
Anybody else been given the run around by their doctors?
Sorry, had to vent (and bitch) but not using your legs for a year will do that.