I’ve been on HCG mono therapy for almost a year now. Been experimenting with the following doses:
- 250UI x EOD,
- 500UI x 3/week
- 750UI x 3/week.
Lately been sticking around to 500UI x 3 times a week.
Libido and erection is fairly good, though adding .25 of Arimidex once a week improves considerably my erection and morning wood.
I’m using a pharmacy recomb version of HCG, pre-loaded in an insulin pen.
The solution is very concentrated like 6500 UI in 1ml, so each dose is few drops.
While the T levels have been pretty good with 500UI and 750UI doses, I still failed to recover my atrophied testicles. Sperm results are also great. My testicles lost their volume years ago, after few cycles and bad pct. So was wondering if they are recoverable at all, though I’m really confused how can T level and sperm quality be all good, while testicles stay shrinked.
Here are my stats and lab results:
36y old male, 189cm (6.2 ft), 76kg, 15% BF
Labs results on 500UI x 3 times a week
T Total 461,38 ng/dL (164.84 - 753.31)
T Free 18,11 pg/mL (1.00 - 28.21)
SHBG 180.39 pg/mL (138.23 - 899.08)
Estradiol 30,29 pg/mL (< 39.81)
Lab results on 750UI x 3 times a week
T Total 7.6 ng/mL (2.49 - 8.36)
T Free 180.39 pg/mL (57.1 - 178.5)
Estradiol 48.24 pg/mL (10 - 52)
SHBG 22.91 nmol/L (18.3 - 54.1)
Testicle volume: 15 x 34mm and 16 x 36.3mm
So, I was curious if hMG could make a difference versus HCG in terms of testicles volume recovery, as it contain real LH and FSH comparing to an LH mimic in HCG. I’ve been researching the topic and the forums over here, but couldn’t find specific info that would help me figure it out
Hope to get some feedback.