HCG for Fat Loss

I saw this book that said if you take between 150-200 of HCG and couple that with a 500Kcal a day diet you can lose up to 1 per day. And you can keep using it for 6 weeks.

The weight you lose is fat only and not muscle.

Has anyone else heard of this?

[quote]walleye49 wrote:
I saw this book that said if you take between 150-200 of HCG and couple that with a 500Kcal a day diet you can lose up to 1 per day. And you can keep using it for 6 weeks.

The weight you lose is fat only and not muscle.

Has anyone else heard of this?[/quote]

A lot of people use HCG for post-cycle. I think it would be safe to say that most take doses considerably larger than that. That 1 (pound, I take it) per day… well, if you’re going to restrict a diet to 1/6 what the typical athletic male consumes per day, then perhaps you could lose almost a pound a day. But I’d highly doubt it would be all fat.

I really haven’t heard of or know of such cases.

However, there are some cases where very low dose (by bodybuilding standards) testosterone use has had remarkable fat loss results. That isn’t usually the case, but the rate isn’t negligible. I don’t know if this is always the case but my observation has been that the remarakble resuls has happened with endomorphs only; very moderate benefit sometimes to mesomorphs.

So since HCG raises T I suppose the same thing could happen for those that would experience it with T.

With the exception of the few endomorphs that it makes a big difference for, that would not be a really big contributor to fat loss.

Maybe this is the same thing that happens with some boys as they pass puberty: most fat kids stay fat, but a few real butterballs lean right out past puberty, so apparently for some T makes a big difference for bodyfat. (It makes some difference for everybody.)

HCG will not raise T as is shuts down your LH production. You have to use enough to shut down then more to get more T. 250iu SQ EOD is close to what will replace your LH and self produced T. For more, you need more. But if you take too much you can down reg your LH receptors… and that is bad.

So that range of LH will switch you over and more will increase T, if your testes are up to the job.

Probably more important in many cases is to reduce E with an AI such as anastrozole. That from the get go will have some good effects and will improve T as well. No need to replace a base amount before anything helps. With no gear, try 1mg/week.

Try AI alone first. No injections needed. I wish that we had a TRT formum now, now that the +35 forum is toast…

I had heard of a weightloss treatment where people go on 150-200 units of HCG followed with a 500 KCal diet. They do this for 6 weeks and then take 6 weeks off.

Apparently, the HCG doasage is just large enough to keep protein stores in place while allowing the body to burn fat.

I’m a powerlifter and I’ve always been strong but over the years I’ve gotten strong and fat! I’m looking to go on maintenance level weight training while attempting to lose 1 pound of fat per day.

I guess all I need to do is try it.

Thanks for your feedback everyone.

[quote]KSman wrote:
I wish that we had a TRT formum now, now that the +35 forum is toast…[/quote]

I heard that. LEF is probably a little more friendly place to post TRT issues than a steroid forum will be.