HCG & Clomid

Hi guys, looking for a bit of advice for fertility.

27Y, TRT 7 Years and never ran any other compound other than test - didn’t add HCG until the last 3 months (idiot I know) and didn’t experience much atrophy reversal or pregnancy for 3 months on it at 500iu EOD.

So I decided to come off completely, 35 days ago was my last pin of test E 150mg, 14 days ago I started 50mg Clomid ED and 1500iu HCG EOD. I’m reading a lot of mixed opinions on using clomid and HCG together, my main priority is fertility and not so much a HPTA restart, as if I should be successful in getting my SO pregnant I will be returning to TRT.

What worked for all of you on the same boat? HMG is pretty hard to get where I am, however can HCG and clomid be just as good?

I’m not experiencing any sides from clomid so far in relation to eye sight issues, just recently night sweats and lack of libido. Still feel relatively ok despite being on 7 years, just less of a spring in my step and a little more lazy. Other than that better than I thought I’d be.

Any help appreciated!

So I guess no one knows a good fertility protocol as it’s been 48 hours since you posted this. I can’t give you any advice because I got lucky and had my two kids before I started running androgens. But, take a look at vigorous Steve on YouTube. The guy is a wealth of knowledge on this very subject as he and his wife are in the same process as you and your lady are. Look through his shows on the channel and you’ll find his fertility protocol. Steve’s a good fella and I just don’t see him blowing smoke because it would ruin his livelihood. Good luck man. Whatever you got to do, just do it because it’s the best thing being a Daddy!

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Already been discussed over and over and over and over….

For fertility:

Choice one: 1/2 to 1 tab of clomid per day (nothing else, no TRT)

Choice two: 3000 IU HCG thrice per week

Choice three: TRT with 1000 to 3000 IU HCG per week

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