Been on TRT for almost six years. Five on just nebido and switched for the past 6 months to test E and 500 HCG M/W/F.
Desiring fertility. I know I was fertile before trt. I have secondary HHG.
After six months of adding in HCG, home sperm test suggests not fertile (not sure how accurate they are), no change in testicular atrophy and wife not pregnant.
Doc wants to change protocol to Clomid and HCG (drop the test E) until hopefully conceived. Happy to give it a go but worried about feeling bad off T.
Is running a low dose of test E with the above protocol counter productive? I read comments that it is, but purely from a spermatogenesis perspective I’m struggling to understand why?
Any other fertility success stories welcome. Thanks all.
Thank you going to give it a go with an open mind. I don’t mind too much as long as it helps fertility … what were your reasons for going in it? Cheers