Newbie question. Already tried search function.
I’ve been on this site a bunch of times, first time I’m posting.
I got a question about Hcg, and before I go any further, I’m not doing a cycle yet, nor will I be for a while. Just doing my research for when the time comes.
I was researching hcg and it seems like it could be pretty important to prevent some bad sides. One thing I read though is some people have had negative side effects from HCG to their eyesight. Is this misuse? Or some people are prone to it?
I ask because I’m legally blind, I can see well enough to live life and my condition is stable. But anything that could possibly effect my last remaining sight I want to avoid. How important would hcg be to say a beginner cycle or just test e and pct?
Any input? Or literature?
Thanks guys.