HB 1355


Surprised this isn’t getting more national press.

I’m against it. Because, even though I don’t live in Florida, if this passes you’ll never, ever catch me in any way going to see a shrink or councilor for any reason. I won’t allow my Rights to be stolen because I wanted a neutral person to talk to.

And before the whole “but it is only if you are a danger”: You ever date a phsyc major in college? I did, I’m not putting my Rights in the hands of some stranger who may or may not give two shits about me or the Natural Rights protected by the Bill of Rights. On top of, after the IRS, AP, DOJ and NSA scandals recently, worrying about government over-reach isn’t really “tin foil hat” stuff anymore…

Totally and utterly agreed. This undermines over a century of practice

That does look like the slimy edge of deep precipice.

On a similar note, I recently read that Gov Scott has signed into law a bill that makes anyone caught for a second time with a pipe, one hitter, bong, or similar smoking paraphernalia, a felon. It does not have to have residue or any signs of cannabis use. Simply being caught in the possession of one of these for the second time makes one a felon, no longer able to vote nor own a gun. Florida is turning into a real shit hole.

Obama Care is going to require mental health professionals to do the same thing. Granted, it’s not tied directly to infringement of 2nd Amendment rights like this goat-screw Florida bill is proposing, but both of them destroy the doctor-patient privilege.

Our family shrink has gone underground. He takes cash only, and you must sign a waiver acknowledging that he will not, under any circumstance, participate in an insurance co-pay, report any information to an insurance company, or any government entity.

I expect there to be a burgeoning underground medical care industry in the very near future.

[quote]drunkpig wrote:
Obama Care is going to require mental health professionals to do the same thing. Granted, it’s not tied directly to infringement of 2nd Amendment rights like this goat-screw Florida bill is proposing, but both of them destroy the doctor-patient privilege.

Our family shrink has gone underground. He takes cash only, and you must sign a waiver acknowledging that he will not, under any circumstance, participate in an insurance co-pay, report any information to an insurance company, or any government entity.

I expect there to be a burgeoning underground medical care industry in the very near future.


My doctor is a really good personal friend, as well as my next door neighbor. I had such a conversation with him not long ago. I am on .7 cc of testosterone cypionate, once per week. I have blood work done every twelve weeks like clockwork. My readings are usually in the 600 nil range, never reading above 800 nil. He called me up, stating that my pharmacist was worried that I was using too much test. I told him that she could go fuck herself for all I cared because apparently she could not perform simple math and was sticking her nose in my personal business. (BTW, I have never had a male pharmacist give me a moments grief about anything. Over the years I have had female pharmacists question me every time I asked for pins, tell me that my insurance company requires sing dose vials when in fact my insurance does not pay a dime and it is all out of my pocket, etc.)

He went on to tell me that he is now required to reference a national data base that lists any and all prescriptions that I might get from any other medical professional and make decisions according to the info received. He questioned an ambien prescription that I received from another doctor and said that I did not need it. (He dislikes ambien and won’t prescribe it. This is why I went elsewhere.)

It was then that I told him that I could easily see a huge black market forming as more nonsense and privacy invasion come out of this. He was incredulous when I tole him that Test could be had easily for less than half of what the going rate is at the pharmacy and I could now see why so many people went that route rather than put up with the bull shit I was seeing.

Since then, I have made some changes. I was taking a mild anti depressant that I had stayed on because of the withdrawal symptoms. I weened myself from the sleeping pills. I am determined not to take any more prescription meds, with the exception of the HRT. As I am 47 and been on for several years, I have no choice. If they keep fucking with me on this, I will go underground with it.

I could not imagine seeing a psychiatrist in this day and in the current climate. Who needs that kind of shadow hanging over you.

Just goes to show that anything that the government gets its hands into get fucked up to its core.

[quote]JEATON wrote:

[quote]drunkpig wrote:
Obama Care is going to require mental health professionals to do the same thing. Granted, it’s not tied directly to infringement of 2nd Amendment rights like this goat-screw Florida bill is proposing, but both of them destroy the doctor-patient privilege.

Our family shrink has gone underground. He takes cash only, and you must sign a waiver acknowledging that he will not, under any circumstance, participate in an insurance co-pay, report any information to an insurance company, or any government entity.

I expect there to be a burgeoning underground medical care industry in the very near future.


My doctor is a really good personal friend, as well as my next door neighbor. I had such a conversation with him not long ago. I am on .7 cc of testosterone cypionate, once per week. I have blood work done every twelve weeks like clockwork. My readings are usually in the 600 nil range, never reading above 800 nil. He called me up, stating that my pharmacist was worried that I was using too much test. I told him that she could go fuck herself for all I cared because apparently she could not perform simple math and was sticking her nose in my personal business. (BTW, I have never had a male pharmacist give me a moments grief about anything. Over the years I have had female pharmacists question me every time I asked for pins, tell me that my insurance company requires sing dose vials when in fact my insurance does not pay a dime and it is all out of my pocket, etc.)

He went on to tell me that he is now required to reference a national data base that lists any and all prescriptions that I might get from any other medical professional and make decisions according to the info received. He questioned an ambien prescription that I received from another doctor and said that I did not need it. (He dislikes ambien and won’t prescribe it. This is why I went elsewhere.)

It was then that I told him that I could easily see a huge black market forming as more nonsense and privacy invasion come out of this. He was incredulous when I tole him that Test could be had easily for less than half of what the going rate is at the pharmacy and I could now see why so many people went that route rather than put up with the bull shit I was seeing.

Since then, I have made some changes. I was taking a mild anti depressant that I had stayed on because of the withdrawal symptoms. I weened myself from the sleeping pills. I am determined not to take any more prescription meds, with the exception of the HRT. As I am 47 and been on for several years, I have no choice. If they keep fucking with me on this, I will go underground with it.

I could not imagine seeing a psychiatrist in this day and in the current climate. Who needs that kind of shadow hanging over you.

Just goes to show that anything that the government gets its hands into get fucked up to its core.[/quote]

And people ask me why I don’t trust the government lol.

I feel for you man, I feel bad. I hope you don’t get too much shit. If the HRT is working well keep it, but if you feel it needs a tweak I might suggest 2x weekly pins to even out the half-life peaks and troughs. Same total volume of course to keep it in the HRT range and not mess with your system, just split in two.

Of course, that means you have to deal with Ms. “I can’t mind my own fucking business even though your HRT is prescribed by a Doc” more often :frowning:

[quote]JEATON wrote:

Since then, I have made some changes. I was taking a mild anti depressant that I had stayed on because of the withdrawal symptoms. I weened myself from the sleeping pills. I am determined not to take any more prescription meds, with the exception of the HRT. As I am 47 and been on for several years, I have no choice. If they keep fucking with me on this, I will go underground with it.

I could not imagine seeing a psychiatrist in this day and in the current climate. Who needs that kind of shadow hanging over you.

Just goes to show that anything that the government gets its hands into get fucked up to its core.[/quote]

In April, I went off Vyvanse (ADHD) and Ambien(sleep) cold turkey, both at the same time. I don’t recommend dong that at all. I wouldn’t do it again, that’s for sure.

We live in a rural area, so the most convenient healthcare is the local rural clinic. Right after the elections in November, I jokingly asked the doc when she was moving to Costa Rica, given the election results. She is a younger female - maybe late-twenties, early-thirties. She told me that I would be shocked at the number of her classmates that were heading to central america.

My friend goes to see a rolfer. No idea what that is other than it is like A.R.T. but twice as painful. Anyhow - the rolfer has already purchased property in Panama and is planning to move as soon as he can figure out a way to get his cash out of the country without the federal government seizing it.

[quote]drunkpig wrote:

[quote]JEATON wrote:

Since then, I have made some changes. I was taking a mild anti depressant that I had stayed on because of the withdrawal symptoms. I weened myself from the sleeping pills. I am determined not to take any more prescription meds, with the exception of the HRT. As I am 47 and been on for several years, I have no choice. If they keep fucking with me on this, I will go underground with it.

I could not imagine seeing a psychiatrist in this day and in the current climate. Who needs that kind of shadow hanging over you.

Just goes to show that anything that the government gets its hands into get fucked up to its core.[/quote]

In April, I went off Vyvanse (ADHD) and Ambien(sleep) cold turkey, both at the same time. I don’t recommend dong that at all. I wouldn’t do it again, that’s for sure.

We live in a rural area, so the most convenient healthcare is the local rural clinic. Right after the elections in November, I jokingly asked the doc when she was moving to Costa Rica, given the election results. She is a younger female - maybe late-twenties, early-thirties. She told me that I would be shocked at the number of her classmates that were heading to central america.

My friend goes to see a rolfer. No idea what that is other than it is like A.R.T. but twice as painful. Anyhow - the rolfer has already purchased property in Panama and is planning to move as soon as he can figure out a way to get his cash out of the country without the federal government seizing it.


Bahrain, UAE, and a couple of other places in the middle east are also some of the more popular places Docs are staking out or have moved to already.