Alright bros please don’t flame me… I fell for the Rona hysteria & during covid lock down I didn’t cycle. I was scared how Rona would react with juice. Also gyms were shut down so woulda been a waste anyway.
After I got my vaccine I started my TRT again. It’s been about 2 months now on TRT & post vax. I think I’m ready to cycle & have lots of left over gear.
Brief history I’m 44 been on TRT since I was 34
Since 36 I usually did 2 cycles per yr. Usually a bulking cycle in fall/winter & a cut cycle In spring
I’ve used pretty much all forms of test, orals I like anavar , Winny, tbol, dbol
Also to kick it up I’m a fan of tren & npp however I use those sparingly as Tren is a beast & npp goes a long way so no need to be crazy. I’m not a pro…I just juice to stay young & top shape. That said also I use HGH… never really had cycle bad sides other than some acne, anxiety, or rage
Tren sides hard to sleep & normal sides.
Always been pretty good at taking my anastrozle, hcg, & caber to prevent noodle dick…
My big question is starting a cycle after 2yrs what’s best bet? My goal is a cut so I’m thinking just test prop 100mg every other day + anavar 60 per day… could drop some tren in but after 2 yrs thinking why not save it… but my trens 2yrs old
Other option is just a big test cycle 500-700 test cyp & enjoy the gainz like your first cycle
I have test cyp, prop, tren, Var, Winny, tbol
Anastrozle, hcg, HGH, caber…so la pharmacia is g2g… what do u guys think is best having been out the game 2yrs ???