Talk about functional…
at 0:58 he actually strips down to his boxers while doing flips, then at 2:10 he teabags a man in mid air… VERY functional indeed.
but yea he did some crazy shit.
Craziness. That’s beyond “functional”.
I had to watch some parts again just to really see if its not faked. insane!
I like the part where he takes off his clothes while flipping with like 5 little girls in the background.
I can do that.
Shit is awesome. I’ve always wanted to do that kind of stuff but there are no gyms around here so i have no clue how to get started.
LOL@ comment: Cops can’t touch this guy
All I know is, I wouldnt wanna fight that guy.
Goddamn I wish I was that coordinated. I’d build a extra long bedroom just to do that cloth removing flip onto bed
But doing back flips on the edge of building is stupid…not ‘awesome’, well it’s awesome if you’re under 20.
If that guy isnt in the olympics for something he needs to be
Crazy coördination. Backflips are amongst the best ab exercises you can do too, I suggest we all learn them.