Have I Learned Something from Professional Lifters? My 6-Day Plan

Hello Coach
Im 31 years old
44cm arms

150kg bench press
205kg squat
260kg deadlift
100kg military press

I carry 13 years. For 5 years I’m clean, I do not use drugs.

Here is my workout plan:
Barbell Squat 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
Weighted Pull Ups 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 3x10 50/60/70%
Barbell Curl 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
+little calf and forearms work 2 sets for each

Barbell Bench press 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
Barbell Military Press 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
DIP 2x10 60/70%
High Pull From Hang 2x10 60/70%
Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions 2x10 50%/60%+ 1x5+4+3+2+1@70%
+some ABS work 2 set

C) Rest Pause
Barbell Squat 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
Dumbell One Arm Row 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
Barbell Good Morning 3x10 50/60/70%
Barbell Prearcher Curl 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
+little calf and forearms work 2 sets for each

D) Rest Pause
Barbell Standing Press Behind The Neck 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
Dumbell Bench Press 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
DIP 2x10 60/70%
High Pull From Hang 2x10 60/70%
Barbell Lying Triceps Extensions 3x10 55%/65%+ 6+4@75%
+some ABS work 2 set


Does it look good? I trained in the garage, so I do not have access to the machines.

Thank You!