Disclaimers: I have been cutting for 4 weeks and recording weight, training, macros, and measurements, all with pictures, via training log found here
I am not taking any PEDs or AAS, 2 previous cycles of SARMs RAD140 and YK11, but that is all. Used PCT with both.
Current Stats:
Weight: 223(ish)
Height: 5’9"
Arms: 17.75"
Waist: 37.5"
Thighs: 27.5"
Incline Bench: 245x5
Back Squat: 405x5
Deadlift: 495x5
Current Supplements:
CLA - 1 pill daily
Biotest Micellar Curcumin - 1x daily
Maintenance Calories (roughly): 3150
I started cutting first two weeks at 500cal daily deficit and increased to 1000cal daily deficit in 3rd and 4th weeks. I am down about 7lbs from starting this cut, which is fairly consistent with what I expected. I am new to cutting so if i make, or have made some gaffes, give me some leniency - but please let me know where/what I did wrong.
I believe I have somewhere in the vicinity of 15-20lbs to lose until I reach a maintainable level of lean-ness that I feel comfortable at (approximate 200lbs and 10-12% BF, both are guesses).
I have been looking into running the Velocity Diet in hopes it will help me blast away the rest of this weight. I am ~1000cal deficit at 2150 calories daily (40% protein/ 25% fat/ 35% carbs) losing about 2lbs per week. According to the Velocity Diet, I will be around 1300 calories per day… This will leave me at about 1850cal daily deficit - which should be around 3.5-4lbs weight loss per week. Math tells me this will be about 15lbs loss over the course of 28 days, which is fine by me - i will be very close to my goal if all this holds true.
My concern is that I don’t want to shut down my metabolism (or at least minimize adaptive thermogenesis). Not that this actually happens, but whether it be based in science or bro-science, I have it engrained in my head that the less you eat, the more your body wants to hold on to what you have eaten via slowing the metabolism. If I decide to undertake the Velocity Diet, should I allow for a week or so of maintenance calories prior in between my already aggressive cut, and the V-Diet - a more aggressive cut?
Again, i’m new to cutting so if my concern is merely bro science, then please tell me.
I also have an abundance of Clen on hand if/when i reach a sticking point, but i don’t intend to use it unless i actually find myself stuck… Something i don’t expect to happen unless i am delving into unsustainably lean territory, which isn’t the goal.