…and a salute to any and all vets and members of the armed forces.
(a stone’s throw from Waterloo, NY)
…and a salute to any and all vets and members of the armed forces.
(a stone’s throw from Waterloo, NY)
Kudos on the shout-out, TShaw.
I’m not in the military myself, but several members of my family are, or were.
Hats off to you folks who serve.
Good shout out TShaw!
Thanks to all of you in the service who risk your lives to protect us and keep us free.
Thank you all for your service.
Here’s to a great weekend!
Saturday - Hockey (Red Wings vs. Penguins) Stanley Cup
Sunday - NASCAR and Indy 500
Monday - Hockey (Red Wings vs. Penguins) Stanley Cup
Thanks to all the Vets who make this possible!
Go burn something on the grill and drink too much beer!
A giant Thank You to those who truly deserve it.
And to everyone else… go eat some meat cooked over a fire!