Happy Marriages/Relationships

I think this will be very useful going forward. You know I agree with you on some matters and have recognized the same trends. It appears you’re possibly recognizing the personalities and interests of hard-driven, ambitious women do not match yours. They didn’t match mine either, hence after some time meeting women and going on dates, I chose to not pursue such women. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s simple incompatibility. So when I met a woman, in some cases went on one or a few dates (barring one four-month fling with a highly ambitious and money-oriented one) and would hear about how “work is crazy!” and “crazy weeks”, I figured, maybe such women are not a good match, even if I were to have a crazy job too”. I have some very high-earning friends who didn’t wind up with such women either.

I think you’d have success if you, like you’ve suggested, went for a woman who has a more retiring personality with a mid-skill or pink-collar job. That’s what I did and I’m happy with the results!

I’m looking into ordering this. Which one do you recommend?

You’re such a submissive cuck…



Hahaha, excellent! I don’t think my post above gives any indication of the degree to which I do NOT handle silent treatments well. I go all trapped-animal over it. HE has a tendency to defend it by pulling in random things, e.g. this recent argument he accused that “you said ‘don’t come home’ on Friday.” Huh? He was arriving at midnight at an airport three and a half hours away, and I told him there was a weather alert (freezing rain) and to please take a look at it so he could make a wise decision about driving home (through the rural, with no cell service for probably 2 of the 3.5 hours). Then, because I didn’t believe he’d look at it, I read it to him. He was offended, as I found out days later. But I certainly did NOT say “don’t come home,” lol.

So cue me telling him that it’s FINE, I understand that he’s lived most of his life with no one giving a shit whether he made it home alive and I’m happy to join them in also not giving a shit!

Like, huh? Why would either of us talk that way? We get along SO WELL, and then all of a sudden we’re shape-shifted into assholes and he’s doing vindictive laundry at 11 PM so I get up and vindictive vacuum at 4 AM.

And then the fight ends and we’re laughing about it.


…I know where this ends… -with “vindictive” fill-in-the-blanks! :wink:

Happily, it does. Although once we shape-shift out of our asshole states, we fill in the blanks cheerfully, not vindictively.


Yeah, I’ve had friends tell me this to. I end up dating driven, intelligent women that are super opinionated, and so then with my personality and strong opinions horrible fights will break out over the stupidest shit.

My current gf and I went to war a few nights about varying political ideologies we were at odds with. Horrible stuff.

I think it’s time I go with a more easy going, nod in agreement, type of woman. I’d really want an equestrian girl, ya know? laid back country southern bell type that comes from money so she never had to do anything but ride horses… fuck that’d be amazing.


Well the two major players in the field is Anova and Joule. I got the Anova. I bought the nano one with the sealer for fucking $100 on Amazon during Black Friday special for my brother’s Christmas present. Maybe you can still find it.

Check out the channel Sous Vide Everything on Youtube. This machine is fucking sweet. Meal preps have never been easier.

Made me laugh for some reason haha.

I ended up ordering Anova from Amazon. I’ll check out the channel. Thanks !!

Had one. Actually not Southern, but the rest fits.

Bratty control freak that spent all of her time with horses because she didn’t like people and most people didn’t like her.

Was fun for a while but the novelty wore off for both of us at just about the right time.

Both of his channels are great. I watch Guga foods more though, being I don’t sous vide foods but BBQ a lot.

As long as she stays fit I’m ok with that.

That’s another thing that has driven me crazy with the types of women I’ve dated. Besides maybe 1, most of them ended up really losing their overall fitness as the years went on. I know, they had intense jobs, but then again so do I and I didn’t let myself go? so, wtf?

It gets back to where my philosophy has been constructed… most women as they approach their mid 30s, with real jobs, tend to fall apart, physically. Not all of them, but most of them do.

This isn’t a stab towards them, but to the societal pressures women have now to be equal to men. I still hold firm that women do not handle the pressures of real high intensity work as men do. There’s a multitude of reasons for this, and one of them being that men tend to age better than women. All the modern feminist lifestyle does is speed up that discrepancy.

Think of how often hairdressers tend to look good. They’re on their feet, they can be catty and judgmental without repercussion, they’re around their peers, and genuinely enjoy life. I think @BrickHead would agree with me on that one.

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why not both? if I’m having a party or just a few people over I’ll always Sous Vide first, get the meat all ready to go so then all I have to do is throw it on the grill for 2min and watch as everyone thinks I’m amazing =D


get a vacuum sealer if you don’t already have one. Preferably an adjustable one. It is wellllll worth it. also, just a quick pointer - the guideline on the little packet that comes with the unit can be off. go by what other people do. for example, I tend to never cook any meats under 2 hours. it’s usually around 135 degrees at 2 to 3 hours for a 1-2 inch steak. Some trial and error will occur to get it down to your preference in taste, but once you get it that’s it it’s forever. I love this thing.

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My lady likes outdoors sports. She likes doing them with me. Mountain biking, resort and BC skiing, digging trail, and peak bagging keep her and myself in shape. She knows that I’d spend most of my free time doing those things with or without her so she stays in shape to keep up and be able to spend the amount of time she wants with me.

She is a highly driven, opinionated, type A attorney which works b/c she can keep up mentally and physically. I’m laid back enough to not get bent outta shape with her anxiety and brashness at times, but I’m also self assured and independent so I have no problem telling her to pound sand and I’m gonna do my own thing if that makes the most sense. I play off her strengths/weaknesses well, and she plays off mine well.

Going to the gym sucks. Finding a hobby/passion that requires a high level of fitness is the way to long term fitness IMO.

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I was totally with you until the end there.

Doing cardio in the gym sucks, but lifting weights is irreplaceable

Can we talk about the Peloton commercial? I’ve been saying that I think there is something fundamentally wrong with women in the states, culturally they are being fed some really absurd ideals, which I always get the white knights in here pushing back at me but then this commercial outrage happens…

The thought of a American man giving his wife an exercise machine left a bunch of women (and white knights) in this country completely besides themselves. Combination of how dare he this sexist pig, and omg she’s already skinny created such stir that the stock plummeted and the company lost a BILLION dollars in value.

Like I’ve said multiple times in threads here the relationship scene in this country is BROKEN.

Being fat, and being offended by getting called fat is the only thing to unite the left and the right in this country. Fatty, fatfat snowflakes.

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I wish the “news” would stop reporting social media activity.


Yet another outrage of which I was blissfully unaware. I saw 7 women yesterday, first day back at work, and not a single one complained about it. I’ve been sick, so cancelled my NYE party, but I did go to a neighborhood open house on Christmas Eve and heard nothing about it.

Meanwhile, I’ve seen the commercials, so they must be playing during football, which is the only commercial TV I see for the most part, and have had to resist the urge to either A) hint I’d like one, or B) just get one. I don’t do either because long history tells me that while stationary bikes are good in theory, they’re less so in fact for me. Also they’re crazy expensive. Also I have a cheap one I don’t use.

But I haven’t been privy to any of the outrage over it, despite being myself a SWJ and having a Facebook page full of same. A quick skim of my FB page this morning:

25,000 march against anti-Semitism in New York City (“hate no fear” on placard in photo…editing to say it was “fear no hate,” I had a dyslexic moment, lol)

For First Time Ever, Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Plant Them to Stop Climate Crisis

Don’t let billionaires buy this race. Contribute now

And a hugging graphic from the suicide prevention people.

I should also disclose that pretty much daily Facebook advertises Peloton to me. I should further disclose that I always stop to watch the vid for a minute before recalling the cost and moving on. I also had a client tell me they take up a lot of room - his wife made him keep it in a corner, facing the wall “because you couldn’t walk past it without bumping into it.” Interestingly, and on topic, when she started using it it was turned around to face the TV. Apparently the people walking past it now needed to just watch where they were going. Women, eh?

I have both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work, and find the commercial where he’s watching her work out from an upstairs window very sweet.


I don’t think the fallout from this commercial has anything at all to do with relationships being broken, but is a perfect example of the outrage/cancel culture festering in the US.


Particularly the Peloton’s as there’s a monthly subscription that’s (iirc) $100.