Happy Holidays

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Take care of yourselves, and try to keep a cool head when dealing with the in-laws. They mean well.

Have a nice holiday Demo. Maybe I will see you next September in Bozeman.

Demo and fellow T-men, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’m not going anywhere, as I have family and friends in town. So I’ll be around the forum for the holidays in between eating and having some hella fun! :wink:

Happy Hollidays, guys! This past year has been my first FULL year on the Forum. I have to tell you that you, the contributors and T-Mag Staff have been absolutely INVALUBLE in my search for greater knowledge on health and fitness. You guys are GREAT!

Like Nate, I’ll be on the Forum throughout the Holidays too! Good luck on all your fitness goals for the New Year!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year gents and ladies! Thanks for helping a military guy pass the time while being stuck in the Balkans for the past 4 months, 2 to go. This forum rocks, and I have made great gains and pure motivation from eveyone! A new year for new gains for us all. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Yluetide greetings from Great Britain. Wishing all the T-Brethren a prosperous 2002!

And a “yoi o toshi o!” from the Far East. Take 'er easy T-men!