Hey, I was thinking. Since today is my birthday, would T-mag/Biotest consider sending birthday presents to it’s members? Come on, since its Friday, and the new issue of T-mag will be uploaded soon, today is a special day!
Maybe a little sample of some supplements or something? Sounds good to me! You can send any Biotest supplements to Nate Dogg. You can help me get big the T-mag way!!!
Note that the top of the page says that it’s Issue No. 144 and that the article links to the right are all new. I’m not sure why this works, but it does (or at least it’ll work until Chris tells TC about it).
Chris: I’ve never tried Tribex, so how about a free bottle for being a T-mag site troubleshooter?
You sneaky dog, you. I noticed something like that too, Bob. Except I go to the previous issues section and sometimes the links to the articles in the new issue appear before the site is officially updated.
happy birthday dog. i’ll send you out a 5 lb jug of soy protein first thing tomorrow. i was thinkin about sending you some grow or something, but i never got to see any necked chicks in orlando, j/k. hope you have a good one.
Happy Birthday, Nate Doggie Dogg! I have a couple gifts for ya: first, is a special device that monitors your eating so you are forced to eat each and every last calorie to get massive; second, because Penthouse refused to grant my gift subscription request, I diverted to a subscription to getting you a lifetime “Women over 60” gift-subscription–if you’ve seen Billy Madison, you’ll be familar with this nudie mag:-)
happy birthday! post your address, i will send you an unopened can of metabol, a bottle of smilax to make you huge, some hot stuff, and tanning pills to make you orange
Hyok, you were close. I actually turned 26. And you guys are too good to me! A free issue of T-mag, some Soy Protein and a subscription to Women over 60? That’s all a guy really needs!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a great time tonight…as it’s 4:30am, I’m finally home and ready to hit the sack. I got birthday kisses all night and had a great time with all my friends.
Hey Nic, my friends and I are going to Orlando tomorrow night (Sat), so I'll be sure to check out some of those nekid girls and let you know how they look! ;)