Hairless Men

This guy has no hair on his arms, legs and/or chest, but he has facial hair and hair on his head. Do some people grow hair this way, or is this what happens when a metro/homo shaves their body?

What do you fellahs make of this?

[quote]sen say wrote:
This guy has no hair on his arms, legs and/or chest, but h has facial hair and hair on his head. Do some people grow hair this way, or is this what happens when a metro/homo shaves their body?

What do you fellahs make of this? [/quote]

How do you know he is hairless on his legs and arms?

I’d say more importantly than obsessing over his hairless body, he desperately needs squats and milk.

[quote]imhungry wrote:
How do you know he is hairless on his legs and arms?


  1. I looked at the attached pic and saw his upper arms had no hair.

  2. I know him and he wears shorts all the time and has no hair on his legs.

[quote]sen say wrote:
imhungry wrote:
How do you know he is hairless on his legs and arms?

  1. I looked at the attached pic and saw his upper arms had no hair.

  2. I know him and he wears shorts all the time and has no hair on his legs.[/quote]

No homo?

Has u ast him?

I am far from hairless, I have thick hair everywhere, and yes I do have patches of manhair on my back and shoulders.

I am proud of it,ugly or not I could careless I see it as females are naturaly hairless not men.

so either hes a girl or he shaves.

Speaking as a professional fag hag, I have an extensive harem of gay bitches. They nearly all love the chest hair, and none of them shave. It’s only vain metro boys who do that. This guy clearly doesn’t have the physique to pull off the shaved look - his lack of hair is most likely genetic.

[quote]sen say wrote:
This guy has no hair on his arms, legs and/or chest, but he has facial hair and hair on his head. Do some people grow hair this way, or is this what happens when a metro/homo shaves their body?

What do you fellahs make of this? [/quote]

Many black guys are naturally “hairless” (small amounts) in the chest, legs and arms. I didn’t even get much chest hair until like…last week. I knew a hispanic guy in junior high who already had chest hair and he couldn’t drive yet.

It’s just fucked up that some kids can grow a full beard while some of us look like we’re 14 years old until we hit 21.

I’m very much hairless all over. I have even been accused of shaving my legs before because they look bare from about 10 feet away. I can’t even grow a full moustache either. I can go for about three days without shaving.

My dad was the same way, except he could grow a full beard with sideburns. I wish I could grow sideburns, I would grow big fat ones and wear a bowler cap all the time.

Why is the sky blue?

Why is my girl a jerkface?

Why does my truck backfire?

Some things just aren’t worth worrying about.

This motherfucker never watched Mr. Rogers as a kid. Allow me to catch you up to speed. “Everybody is different, and its ok to be who you are…Oh shit I forgot to put on the damn cardigan!! Can you believe I told them that shit in a sport coat???”

[quote]Steve8867 wrote:
Why is the sky blue?

Why is my girl a jerkface?

Why does my truck backfire?

Some things just aren’t worth worrying about.

Actually, that last one might be worth looking into.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

It’s just fucked up that some kids can grow a full beard while some of us look like we’re 14 years old until we hit 21.

Fuckin 23 and all I grow is a little chin beard and a slight mustache. I can go like a full work week without shaving and have a 5 oclock shadows worth in those areas(absolutely no hair growth on my jawline/cheeks/sideburns). My arms/chest/stomach also look pretty hair free until you get within a few feet, no back hair at all… but my legs are hairy beasts.

no back hair at all… but my legs are hairy beasts…do you want back hair?

Many races have limited ammounts of body hair.

Blacks, Asians, Native Americans.

Native Americans don’t even really have facial hair.

[quote]Westclock wrote:
Native Americans don’t even really have facial hair.[/quote]

Except for when they’re in like grade 8 running around with moustaches.

i turn 21 in about and up until like 6 months ago i could go 2-3 days without even thinking about shaving. Now i get some hair on my sideburns, and under my jawline, but just 1-2 hairs on my cheeks. If I don’t shave I look retarded because its so patchy, and when i do shave I look like im 15.

[quote]JLu wrote:
Westclock wrote:
Native Americans don’t even really have facial hair.

Except for when they’re in like grade 8 running around with moustaches.

I meant more like sideburns, neck, chin ect.

Their facial hair growth is extremely limited.

[quote]sen say wrote:
This guy has no hair on his arms, legs and/or chest, but he has facial hair and hair on his head. Do some people grow hair this way, or is this what happens when a metro/homo shaves their body?

What do you fellahs make of this? [/quote]

He seems to be quite happy about having his photo taken. His cheerful dispostion, combined with the lack of upper body hair, suggests that he is either a) enjoying fellatio, or b) he is a faun.