Here’s the thing. For the last couple of years I have been working out at the YMCA. While it had met my needs before, it only has one power rack, which makes it difficult for me to go about my workout (Westside) since my life depends on a power rack (everything from bench, decline, incline to jm presses, deadlifts; basically all my main and accessory lifts). So if someone is using it, i’m stuck wasting time. My membership runs out this Sunday. So I have a question. There are Woody’s and Gold’s not too far from me. Is it smart/beneficial to switch from the Y to one of these gyms? Or have you guys had not-so-good experiences with those gyms (trainers being dicks about deadlifting, board pressing, chains, bands, chalk, etc.). I know up at my school (Pitt), the first time I tried to deadlift in their new building, I just got done w/my set of 3 and slammed their rubber weights onto their rubber floor and almost got kicked out.