[quote]skaz05 wrote:
You know, these shootings are still quite rare. But every time one happens, I always hear about how “if everyone had a gun, these shootings would never happen”.
I think that’s nonsense. If everyone had a gun, people would be shooting each other over parking spots. People would be shooting at their neighbors because their dog shit on their lawn. People would be shooting at each other on the freeway because someone didn’t signal a lane change. I don’t think anyone can argue against this logic, people are fucking idiots and if you give idiots guns, you can expect idiotic things to happen.
I’m not for infringing on anyones constitutional rights, but I think people need to be realistic about this subject:
Not everyone should have access to a firearm.
But that’s what I am hearing from pro-gun people. Arm everyone, and gun violence will disappear.
Arm everyone and watch gun violence soar to new levels.
Again, just to remind everyone, I’m not an advocate for taking away anyones rights. I’m just very cynical, and VERY distrustful of people in general.
I don’t like the idea of allowing my white trash, alcoholic, asshole neighbor to just go into a gun store and walk out with a gun. He’s the type of asshole that will shoot someone because he’s having a bad day. Not something I want to be around.[/quote]
Looking at people it seems logical to conclude that an increase in the number of armed people (or even removing the more stringent requirements thus making it hypothetically easier to carry a firearm) would increase the incidence of events as you have described, however it just doesn’t seem to be the case. If you look at the statistics over multiple jurisdictions it just doesnt seem to happen. I’m not going to look for statistics and my post is absolutely weakened for it, however if you look at places like New Hampshire, I think Maine, or Switzerland (where you have to own a gun, something I don’t support), versus places like Japan, or let’s say New York, there just isn’t an explosion of violence. You’d have to take culture into account though.
However you are absolutely right to say that gun rights doesn’t magically make a utopia. People will still be shot, people will still be murdered, and that is a fact we should embrace, because the alternative would be worse. The thing is, you just can’t change that and gun rights people should embrace it because gun control people sometimes seem to think that if you ban guns, guns disappear. Hasn’t worked with the drug war.
I think both sides often make believe, and it is unneccesary.