[quote]skaz05 wrote:
tom63 wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Good point, happens daily here in North Idaho. I’m scared to leave my home.
Me too in Pa. We have aright to carry st and just yesterday, 17,500 people were gunned down at a hockey game. I just shot 8 motorists yesterday on my way to work.
They were pissing me off. You see, pissy ass liberals don’t realize that gun owning conservatives who are law abiding people are law abiding people.
Want to ban something that will save lives.
I didn’t mean it exactly like that, and I don’t consider myself a pussy ass liberal.
I’m just not comfortable with relaxing gun laws to the point where any dipshit can just walk into any gun store with a couple hundred bucks, and walk out with a gun.
I have never been in the position where I thought I would need a gun to defend myself, or anyone else. It might be bedlam and chaos everywhere else, but here gun violence is so minimal that I don’t feel the need to go and arm myself.
My intense cynicism of people makes me think that people, even law abiding gun owners, only want a gun because they hope that they will have the opportunity to shoot someone. That’s why a lot of people become cops, because they see cops in the movies and think that being a cop means that they will have daily shootouts with the bad guys. I mean why, when you go target shooting, do you shoot at silhouettes of humans?
I have known several so called “responsible” gun owners, and they all seem preoccupied with the thought that they will one day be engaged in some small war with imaginary “bad guys” or that one day a gang of thugs will break into their house and try to kill their family. I think it’s paranioa, gun owners call it “preparedness”.
I just don’t trust people. Even people that claim to be law abiding and honest. Anyone can flip out and lose their common sense, my worry is if that someone is a “responsible law abiding” gun owner.[/quote]
No, thinking like that makes you a pissy ass liberal. Not trusting people, blah, blah. you are operating out of fear, not mistrust.
I was at a gun show today. I’m sure 100s of people were carrying guns. I did not feel unsafe at all. i’ve been a gun owner my whole adult life and have been around gun owners my whole life and they don’t go off half cocked like you think. they tend to be thoughtful smart people.
Careful and safe. And they are exercising their right to self defense, which trumps all other rights. I carry a pistol because I don’t think I need a gun. If I thought I needed a gun, I would carry a rifle. Rifles are offensive, pistols are defensive.
You obviously know little about guns and understand them even less.
How much should guns cost? 1000S or so. Why does a poor man not deserve the right to defend himself. Is 400$ to cheap? Should you have to pay 2500$ for a custom 1911?
And no. we are not hoping for a disaster, we hope and pray it never happens around us gun owners. We just want the option to be able to defend ourselves in case it does happen. I don’t want to have to hope and pray I survive in case something every does happen around me.