Can you use the growth factor template for whole body sessions?
I am currently using a whole body routine because I have a holiday in a month and in the past whole body workouts have had the most visual impact on my physique.
This is my plan: 2 workouts to switch back and forth. Training 2 days on, 1 day off. 5 days training a week.
Workout A: Strength (double progression method)
SGHP - 3x5
TB Deadlift - 3x5
Seated Military press - 3x5
Floor press - 4x5
Heavy Frames walk (30 secs work, 90 secs rest) - 4 sets
Workout B: Growth factor (3 sets) OR pump work(3 x 15-20 reps for each)
Upper body pull - pump work or GF
Upper body horizontal push - pump work or GF
Shoulders (Side delts and rear delts only)- pump work or GF
Lower body - pump work or GF
The reason I have set it up like this is to utilise your double stimulation method, but like I said I want to train whole body workouts as this is what has worked for me in the past.
My question is:
Can I use GF templates for the whole body on a workout like this if it is only 3 sets per muscle group/movement pattern or I this overkill?
Would I be better off using normal sets of pump work on the second day?
is there anything else you can spot that would be a problem?
Thanks for any help you can give me. It would be very much appreciated.
Read this thread for more info, or the following CT quote from it
" I find that working several muscles in one session works if you are focusing more on heavy, low reps lifting. But when using maximum pump/growth factor release I always prefer to only train one muscle at a time as much as possible".-CT
You are trying to maximize the pump in one muscle group, working the whole body would not achieve the desired effect
Ok thanks very much for your input it’s very much appreciated. So I guess it probably wouldn’t be optimal.
Do you think regular pump work would be ok? The idea being to extend protein synthesis from the first day of heavy lifting and also help recovery through increased blood flow etc. or do you think double stimulation approach only really useful for split training?
If you have on day 1 a full body workout and want to make on day 2 pump work, I don’t think it will work optimally, because you would need to hit serval muscle groups with isolation exercises what may not work good.
[quote]Akidara wrote:
If you have on day 1 a full body workout and want to make on day 2 pump work, I don’t think it will work optimally, because you would need to hit serval muscle groups with isolation exercises what may not work good. [/quote]
^pretty much this. I think double stim works best on either a body part split, upper/lower or push/pull/legs, when normally you would rest those muscles worked the next day,but instead do pump work.
It might work if you were training full body say day 1, double stim day 2, fullbody day 3 etc, but not if doing fullbody 2 days in a row
Thanks for the replies. I might re think things. I was considering trying Built for bad for the next month but the only thing that stopped me was the equipment issue in my gym…but I could probably work it with dumbbells and the rack etc. So maybe that’s the way to go if I want to do full body and also have the biggest impact pre holiday.