I’m definitely a morning workout guy too. 10 years ago I used to wake up at 4:30 and be working out by 5…nowdays I wake up 4:30 and am able to get out there at 6…after several big cups of coffee. The joints just take a little while longer to loosen up LOL.
That sounds awesome man. I am excited to hear your report when you guys get back.
Solid max effort BP today. I have never tried it with a fat bar before.
Yeah I’m really looking forward to it. Waylon was hesitant at first but he came around.
The fat bar is interesting. It really builds the forearms. The biggest challenge with it is that it doesn’t have a rotating sleeve, so when the weights start to spin the whole bar rolls in your hands. Fun times…and a little scary every once in a while.
This morning I completed a Max Effort Bench workout as follows:
2/11/2025 – 6:27 am - Slavin Strength Container
WSBB Conjugate Club - Limited Equipment
Month 1 - Week 3 - Day 3
Shoulder Rehab - Red Bands
Bench Press - 3-140, 3-175, 2-215, 1-255, 1-295, 1-335, 1-365, 1-375
superset with:
Purple Band Facepulls - 10x10
Dips 4x7 @ Bodyweight
Pullups 4x6 @ Bodyweight
DB Hammer Curls 3x11 @ 35
Bodyweight: 225.4
Workout Duration: 0:58:55.78 h:mm:ss.ms
This was a good straight forward workout. The set of bench at 365 was an accident. I meant to do 375 but accidentally left the 5’s of the bar, so I got an extra set in there. I was spent after that.
It was great to hit 375 which is a new PR. So far the Conjugate training is going well and it seems to be progressing my main lifts. I’m certainly doing a lot more accessory work now. I’ve been focusing on form more than weight on these lifts and really making them count.
I was supposed to do some DB Tate Presses at the end but after everything else my arms were shot and I called it a day.
On a side note, I went to go look at my old training logs on the BodyBuilding.com forums today and found they are gone. Apparently the whole forum went away some months back. I’m glad I wasn’t trying to post there anymore.
Very nice benching Greg. Congrats on the PR as well. 375 bench is awesome man.
Yeah Trent and I noticed old BB.com shutdown. We were talking about it a couple months back. There were a few people there still logging their journals. Aj and a couple others. Sad to see it gone but T nation forum seems a lot more active than BB.com was the last year it was around.
Great job on that session Greg! Congrats on the bench PR! That’s a mind-blowing weight on bench man. Shoot, I never squatted that much…
Sad to hear of the bodybuilding.com forums going away. It was really fun over there about 8 years ago. Slowly everyone started to leave and at some point I thought I was the last one who posted there (who actually interacted with other people) so I came over here. Still I think it sucks for folks who only logged their training on the forum. Now all of that data is gone for them… I’ve been logging all of my training in a Word document (stored on Dropbox) for the last 5 years. Before that I was logging it in an Excel spreadsheet. I switched to Word because I can “Ctrl F” and search by word for stuff dating back 5+ years. For some reason that wouldn’t work on my old Excel spreadsheets… Anyway, it’s sad that the old forum is gone. There’s a good group of folks here and I hope this one stays active for a long time.
Congratulations on the PR!