Greens supplements

I’ve been looking into greens supplementation and I’ve noticed all the products out there have at least 1000mg of soy protein or soy lecithin. I’ve read some articles enforcing the recommendation to avoid soy due to the phytoestrogens. My questions are as follows:

Would 1 - 3 grams of soy lecithin per day have any estrogenic effects?


If so, is there a recommended greens supplement that doesnt contain any soy?

I’d really appreciate whatever insight this board can offer.

Thanks in advance.

Soy lecithin does not have the estrogenic effects. It’s only the soy protein you need to worry about.

1-3 grams isnt harmful, i think 15-25 grams is when it begins getting hazardous.

I should just look this up, but here goes anyway. What is a ‘greens’ supplement? What does it do and what’s in it? Thanks for further info!

Porbably the phytochemicals from fruits and veggies that some of us don’t eat enough.

It’s just a veggie supplement. I try to get my required daily servings but sometimes I dont have the time. Just wanted to cover my nutritional bases. Thanks for the replies.

This is the one I’ve seen recommended most. I will purchase it in a few weeks, when i start a new nutrition/training phase:

Vitamineral green

Let me know if you like it

The soy isoflavones are the products with estrogenic properties. Soy products that are low in soy isoflavones will not do you any estrogenic/testosterone ratio harm. Soy sauce is an example of this as well. Feel free to eat all the soy sauce you want(unless you got sodium issues, but that’s another story) because it is low in soy isoflavones. Phosphatydle Choline(PC), one of the ingredients in many brain/neural stimulants comes from soy lecithin in fact.