Greens+ 3 Times Per Day?

Just wondering what peoples thoughts here are on taking the popular greens+ 3 times per day(prior to breakfast, lunch, dinner) for a couple of months.

Although my meals will have hearty servings of vegetables, looking to supersaturate(eating habits have been less than optimal for long period).

At any rate, dangerous, healthful, waste of money?


Pretty expensive. And I think unecessary. Just take a serving a day or at the most two. And eat your veggies.

Just eat veggies man. It’s a waste of money to do that. Use Greens+ when your in a pinch.

i second or third or whatever the eat your veggies with meals. save your greens+ for protein shakes. if you have three protein shakes, then i could see you using it.

for the canadians out there, there is also a version with vitamins and minerals added, the daily detox version Berardi has mentioned, and a bone builder greens+ exist in addition to the original. also a new omega 3679 oil (fish, borage, and macadamia) from the same company.

i have been knocking back 3 shakes most days lately as work piles up. basically 2 scoops MD, 1 serving greens+, 2 teaspoons omega 3679 and some fruit.

if you have not tried this yet and have stomach issues with protein shakes, give it a go, you won’t regret it (your wallet might;).

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
Pretty expensive. And I think unecessary. Just take a serving a day or at the most two. And eat your veggies.[/quote]

Yeah, Berardi himself said that it’s two servings per day max. I don’t taking a lot of the Greens+ will harm you but it’s still not as good as the real thing.

Thanks for reponses.