Great Starts to 2009

I’ll be the first to admit that ringing in the New Year can be severely overrated; too much hype and often laden with disappointment.

However, 2009 has started well for me and I’m truly encouraged despite the economic crisis that surrounds all of us. In regards to training, my energy levels have been off the charts these past few weeks and my routine seems to have found a groove. My body is responding extremely well to my new split, and I hardly feel my age lately (I will turn 39 in March). I’m truly hoping the injury bug will miss me for awhile and I can continue to push myself slightly past my limitations. Age has a funny way of keeping you humble…

On a personal note, this week has shown me many blessings. This past Thursday I received the Honorable Mention award for 2008 at our annual sales award banquet. Today, I pulled the trigger on a new truck; my 1st vehicle purchase in over 7 years.

Although we’re only a few weeks into the New Year, I’m curious to hear how others are doing. I read many positive comments from members and thought it might be a good idea to start a thread to share our experiences together.

With that said, are you optimistic for the months ahead, and if so, what plans are on your agenda for 2009?

Another pic form the Awards Banquet:

Another picture from the Awards Banquet:

The new truck!

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
The new truck![/quote]

That’s a truck? :slight_smile:

[quote]lostinthought wrote:
Polish Rifle wrote:
The new truck!

That’s a truck? :slight_smile: [/quote]

Okay, it’s an SUV. AWD qualifies it as a truck…

That’s not a truck.

Why is the lady in white wearing what looks to be wedding attire?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
That’s not a truck.

Why is the lady in white wearing what looks to be wedding attire?

Haha, yeah I thought the OP was going to tell us he just got married.


That’s what I was waiting for.

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
That’s not a truck.

Why is the lady in white wearing what looks to be wedding attire?

Haha, yeah I thought the OP was going to tell us he just got married.


That’s what I was waiting for.[/quote]

Me three.

I started 2009 looking better than I did in 2008. I love aging!

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
That’s not a truck.

Why is the lady in white wearing what looks to be wedding attire? [/quote]

I figured you guys would catch that!

Our Design Director and Director of Sales were “Married” as part of the entertainment.

They do a number of schticks at our Awards Banquet…

Yeah i feel more excited about this year than any in the past, mainly because I feel like i dealt with so much last year that I feel like I can start reaping some of the benifits of it. I got a sweet job last year, found out I had ADHD and got medicated for it (which so far has been life changing in a great way), and started lifting so I now feel like i’ve got my body under control as well. Finally kinda feel like a real, 100% adult who has everything in his life under control. Now my main goal is just improving my dating/social life, which is the position I want to be in.

[quote]slimthugger wrote:
I started 2009 looking better than I did in 2008. I love aging![/quote]

Nice to hear some input slim… Isn’t aging a treat?

Congrats, man. Good to hear positive things happening.

I’ve already had a great 2009 and I’m optimistic it will get even better.

I started it little before new years eve. Something like a week before Christmas. So far-so good and stopping bsing and procrastinating. Dropped making countless arguments just for the hell of it and dropped wasting time online. Now if I’m online I actually learn things coughtnationcough.
As far as exercise and such- I have managed to actually follow what I said I’m gonna do, and I’m actually keeping up with my workouts and diet.
Feels good man

[quote]nowakc wrote:
Yeah i feel more excited about this year than any in the past, mainly because I feel like i dealt with so much last year that I feel like I can start reaping some of the benifits of it. I got a sweet job last year, found out I had ADHD and got medicated for it (which so far has been life changing in a great way), and started lifting so I now feel like i’ve got my body under control as well. Finally kinda feel like a real, 100% adult who has everything in his life under control. Now my main goal is just improving my dating/social life, which is the position I want to be in.[/quote]

nowakc -

Nice to hear that you’ve had some break throughs in regard to your professional life and overall health. This is what I was hoping to hear when I started this thread. There’s enough negative stuff out there to keep us all busy…

Congrats and good luck as you move forward throughout the year.