[quote]deadgame wrote:
Doing Presses on a Physio Ball might be more difficult than on a bench, however this does not necessarily make it a more “functional” form of training. It will require the use of more stabilizers, but that is about it. If your sport doesn’t require balancing on balls then you are ass out. However, this is not GPP training.
GPP ought to be performed by an athlete prior to beginning off season work. For instance, NFL’ers will be showing up to their respective complexes around the end of March for their optional offseason conditioning (which will last somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 weeks). The first two weeks will be spent on re-introducing themselves to rigorous workouts by performing very general exercises like interval work (light sprinting, cone drills), unilateral work, ball work, med ball work etc…
Bompa would refer to this period as Anatomical Adaptation. After this 2 weeks (or so) they will begin to increase volume and weight, and hopefully their bodies have adapted to the new stress levels brought on by intense workouts. They should have also identified any areas that they specifically need to work on in order to restabilize or rebalance to avoid future injury.
20min. of treadmill cardio, or 15 min of sled dragging do not qualify as GPP. GENERAL being the key word–total body pre-“conditioning” if you will. Throw in the weight work, the balance work and the structural work and increase recovery ability and you have yourself GPP.[/quote]
I know D-bell presses are not GPP, again it was an analogy and isn’t everything you just said have to do with conditioning? Mini camp is to get in condition and to practice skills. Anatomical adaptation is another fancy phrase for practice. I am not claiming to Know more than Bompa but when I see that term I read it as practice.
When football players report to mini camp and do drills it is to practice movements and to condition right? When I played hoop in college we did about 10 minutes of dynamic flex work to warm up for practice. Lunges, inch-worms, lat lunges, high knees etc. This was a warm up.
In the off season I would do 20 minutes aday of dynamic flex. I considered this flexibilty training and conditioning, especially when I started doing combinations of 2 or three movements. So, am I wrong insaying that GPP and conditioning are the same as well as saying anatomical adaptation and practice are the same?