So my yearly physical came back and I got 5 abnormal results. My uro has a panel of bloodwork for me to do and am wondering if giving blood and/or halving my daily 17mg Sub Q test, would greatly help for some of the “abnormals” currently showing.
What’s the important one the uro will focus on? RBC Count is Normal but many are not, is that Normal RBCC the one he’ll put more weight on?
PANEL OF TESTS 15 HEMOGLOBIN 129 - 165 180.0 g/L HIGH HEMATOCRIT 0.39 - 0.49 0.53 L/L HIGH
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 4.2 - 5.8 5.3 x 1012/L NORMAL MEAN CELL VOLUME (MCV) 80 - 98 100.0 fL HIGH MEAN CELL HEMOGLOBIN (MCH) 24 - 33 34.0 pg HIGH
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 3.2 - 9.4 8.5 x 109/L NORMAL PLATELET COUNT 155 - 372 133.0 x 10*9/L LOW
Your results are CLOUDY This is considered ABNORMAL.
HEMOGLOBIN 129 - 165 180.0 g/L HIGH HEMATOCRIT 0.39 - 0.49 0.53 L/L HIGH MEAN CELL VOLUME (MCV) 80 - 98 100.0 fL HIGH MEAN CELL HEMOGLOBIN (MCH) 24 - 33 34.0 pg HIGH PLATELET COUNT 155 - 372 133.0 x 10*9/L LOW
Your results are CLOUDY This is considered ABNORMAL.
Am I gonna die, fam? By the way, I’ve always had low platelet count, decades before TRT.
(edit: I didn’t realize the reference range was posted first and thought that was your level. Didn’t realize you’re actually above the reference range. The supplements below will likely raise your HCT)
I used:
Vitamin C 1000
Adding the L-lysine brought my ferritin up twice as fast as when I took iron & vit C alone.
Okay, so I’ll go donate blood and then… what time period would be MOST effective to later do my Uro’s blood panel so my numbers are lower. I’m okay with the following day. Sound good, optimal results the day after?
If you take iron and b12 you will raise HCT. If you are donating then that will further lower your ferritin (and HCT) so supplementing Iron, vit C and L-lysine at that point should be fine just keep an eye on your HCT. Maybe get bloods done 2 months after using iron just to see where your HCT is at. My HCT on 200mg/week is 47 so I’ve never had to worry about it. I was basically anemic pre-trt.
So my HIGH HEMATOCRIT of 53 is what the uro will be concerned most about. I only supplement the B12. Okay, I will donate blood and take Uro’s blood panel the day after.
HEMATOCRIT 0.53 L/L HIGH – -------------------- (0.39 - 0.49 )
So I’m low in iron but if I take those supplements my HCT will go higher. Man, talk about damned if I do, damned if I don’t! LOL
Let’s hope the blood letting works… * _ *
You may have to lower your dose to keep HCT in control. I don’t think by half though like you mentioned in the initial post. If you’re at 120/week try 100. I really don’t know enough about T amounts affecting HCT to really comment but I’m sure someone with similar issues can help. I think @hrdlvn may delt with this before. If I’m mistaken he’ll at least be able to tag someone that has.
Yeah, sucks for us when people living at higher altitudes have a much higher hct. By half I meant just in the interim before bloodwork to get over this speed bump that will make uro lower my dose. I feel FANTASTIC at 120mg, at 100, NOT SO MUCH!