Thank you. You should visit my city Istanbul some time as well if you like history.
Someday! The Hittite museum in Ankara and the Cappadocia area are fascinating.
January 18th 2025
Bulgarian split squat
Db leg extension - Db leg curl superset
3 x 15+15
I started doing Chris Cormier’s arm growth challenge. I set the timer to 10 minutes. Then i do 10 reps of db curl followed by 10 reps of db skullcrusher. I continue this superset without rest until 10 minutes is over.
I will do this workout three times a week for 4 weeks. Chris Cormier promises at least half an inch of growth after 12 workouts. It will be an interesting experiment.
January 22nd 2025
Since i want to focus on 3 days a week Chris Cormier arm growth challenge, i switched from push pull legs split to upper lower split for a month.
I will do one upper body workout (without arms) and one lower body workout a week.
I will do the arm challenge workouts on off days.
Upper Body
One arm db row
Incline db press
Incline one arm db lateral raise
January 26th 2025
Single leg hip thrust
Db split squat
6x10 (last set was a back off set with 3 second eccentrics)
Db leg extension
3x12 (2 second hold at the top of each rep. i learned this exercise from tnation youtube channel and has been a stable quad finisher lately)
my wife grabbed my ass few weeks ago and told me that its softer than she expected. i made an excuse about my skin being loose because of the 33 kg weight loss a decade ago but i also added a lot of glute focused exercises to my routine like split squats. i want to surprise her in a few months hopefully.
January 30th 2025
Upper body
One arm db row
Incline db press
Incline db lateral raise
Standing db lateral raise
February 3rd 2025
Db glute bridge
Bulgarian split squat
Db leg extension