Standing one arm dumbbell lateral raise
4 kg - 15
7 kg - 12
8 kg - 12 / 12
Seated dumbbell press
2 * 12 kg - 12
2 * 17 kg - 10
2 * 22 kg - 7
2 * 24 kg - 4
One arm dumbbell rear delt row
10 kg - 12
14 kg - 10 / 10
Reverse grip barbell overhead press
Bar + 20 kg - 12
Bar + 25 kg - 10 / 10
Lying one arm dumbbell lateral raise
5 kg - 3 * 12
Notes to future Kıvanç
Your strength is increasing very fast. When you hit 76 kgs, you will be the biggest and strongest version of yourself since 2014.
Nice work. I like seeing reasonable goals. I would have thought you were already heavier than that from the photos. Hope you meet your future self soon!
Barbell spider curl
Bar + 15 kg - 10
Bar + 17 kg - 10 / 10
Incline close grip bench press
Bar + 15 kg - 12
Bar + 25 kg - 10
Bar + 35 kg - 10
Bar + 40 kg - 6
Bar + 42 kg - 4
Incline dumbbell curl
2 * 12 kg - 10
2 * 14 kg - 7 / 6
Dumbbell skullcrusher on floor
2 * 8 kg - 15
2 * 10 kg - 15
2 * 12 kg - 7 + 4 rest pause
Standing one arm dumbbell curl
10 kg - 12
12 kg - 8 / 7
Dumbbell kickback
9 kg - 3 * 12
Notes to future Kıvanç
You thought you looked too small and skinny in pictures with a tshirt so you decided to increase your bodyweight. You especially wanted to make your shoulders and arms bigger so you gave both of them a separate training day. It may be %100 broscience but you were sure this way the extra 5 kg you gained would go to these body parts.
Barbell front squat
Bar + 20 kg - 8
Bar + 25 kg - 8
Bar + 35 kg - 6
Bar + 40 kg - 5
One arm dumbbell row
19 kg - 12
22 kg - 12
25 kg - 12
Incline barbell bench press
Bar + 20 kg - 12
Bar + 30 kg - 10
Bar + 40 kg - 8
Bar + 50 kg - 2
Bar + 45 kg - 5 (back off set 1)
Bar + 35 kg - 9 (back off set 2)
How I Feel
I was supposed to do this workout yesterday but postponed it. Today i was still unmotivated but left my tiny home gym with 2 PRs. Really interesting.
I am curious to see how long i will be able to keep training 3 big body parts in the same session just to give shoulders and arms a separate day.
Incline close grip bench press
Bar + 15 kg - 12
Bar + 25 kg - 12
Bar + 35 kg - 10
Bar + 40 kg - 5 + 3 rest pause
Bar + 30 kg - 10
Incline dumbbell curl
2 * 12 kg - 10
2 * 14 kg - 8
2 * 17 kg - 3 + 2 rest pause
Dumbbell skullcrusher on floor
2 * 7 kg - 15
2 * 9 kg - 15
2 * 11 kg - 10 + 5 rest pause
Standing one arm dumbbell curl
11 kg - 2 * 12
Dumbbell kickback
9 kg - 2 * 15
How i feel
My weight is stuck at 72,7. I have to start eating more calories. I want to finish september between 73,5 - 74,0. I wish force feeding wasnt this difficult.
Barbell front squat (1 second pause at the bottom)
Bar + 10 kg - 8
Bar + 20 kg - 8
Bar + 30 kg - 6
Bar + 32 kg - 6
Bar + 34 kg - 6
Bar + 36 kg - 6
Landmine sumo squat
Bar + 25 kg - 12
Bar + 30 kg - 12
Bar + 35 kg - 12
Bar + 40 kg - 12
Landmine stiff leg deadlift
Bar + 30 kg - 4 * 10
Dumbbell reverse lunge
2 * 6 kg - 12 (each leg)
2 * 8 kg - 12 (each leg)
2 * 10 kg - 12 (each leg)
Swiss ball leg curl
3 * 10
How i feel
This thread may go on for years. I cant even maintain 73 kgs, how am i going to climb to 76 kgs? Maybe more petit beurre and nutella sandwiches?
It is really difficult to gain weight with a %80 plant based diet. I try to eat a lot but most of my food sources are low calorie and high fiber. They fill me up too quickly.
I will continue my shoulder and arms focused 3 day split next week. I wanted to demolish my lower body today and it felt awesome.
One arm lying dumbbell lateral raise
3 kg - 12
4 kg - 3 * 12
Seated dumbbell press
2 * 12 kg - 10
2 * 17 kg - 10
2 * 22 kg - 7
2 * 24 kg - 4
Dumbbell skullcrusher
2 * 8 kg - 15
2 * 9 kg - 15
2 * 10 kg - 11 + 5 rest pause
Barbell spider curl
Bar + 16 kg - 3 * 10
Incline close grip bench press
Bar + 30 kg - 10
Bar + 35 kg - 8
Bar + 40 kg - 6
One arm standing dumbbell curl
10 kg - 10
10 kg - 10
10 kg - 10 + 7 kg 10 (drop set)
How i feel
Pre exhaust is my new favorite technique. Starting with lateral raises make me much stronger in presses. Starting with skullcrushers made me much more stable in close grip bench presses and i felt my triceps to a greater degree.