Hey there people, right now I am sitting here eating breakfast. I made oatmeal. Last night it dawned on me that i wasnt getting nearly enough fiber so I tried to figure out a way to up my fiber intake easily.
Here is what I did.
It took one serving, so 1/3 of a cup of all bran buds, which contains 12 grams of fiber. I put it in the food processor and turned it into a powder. Then simply mixed it in with my oatmeal.
Kind of smells funny and tastes not that great. Very bland.
Oh well… what some people will do in an effort to eat healthier.
[quote]BigBrad wrote:
Buy ground flax meal and put it in everything (cereals, oatmeal, shakes, salads, whatever). It’s cheap and has a pleasant taste.[/quote]
Easy way to do the same thing you are would be buy a bag of wheat bran Its plain wheat bram pretty much ALL fiber. CHeap as well its what that cerael is made of. ALso is More fiber is what your looking for change to oat bran instead of oat meal its a few grams higeher in fiber per serving and its the good soluble kind
[quote]DanErickson wrote:
BigBrad wrote:
Buy ground flax meal and put it in everything (cereals, oatmeal, shakes, salads, whatever). It’s cheap and has a pleasant taste.