[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
Eh, you’ll get that with any championship team; what are you gonna’ do?
My point of contention is with those who incessantly cite the Yankees world championships from the days of Mantle, Maris, Gehrig, and Ruth as if they have some resounding significance nowadays. It’s like me talking smack to a Spurs fan nowadays because Russell, Cousy, and Auerbach won a boatload of NBA championships for the Celtics before I was even born. I’ve been a Celts fan my entire life, and I certainly respect the tradition, but I’m not going to use it as material to sling here in 2005 when the Celts haven’t done anything since 1981, 1984, and 1986 (the only ones for which I’ve been alive). The Yankees won in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000; most of the people talking smack have only been around for these four.
It just kind of gets old that baseball fans have to listen to this double standard when it wouldn’t happen in any other sport. The fact of the matter is that the Yankees have not been the best team in baseball since 2000 when they won the World Series. The best teams are the ones winning in the present; not those relying on their traditions to give their fanbase a false sense of superiority. Dodgers fans aren’t bragging about championships in the 50s and 60s in light of their 1988 win; why should the Yankee fans act any differently?[/quote]
haha. I have been saying this exact same thing for God know how long. If the Niners win in football, I don’t say “Well, Leonard Marshall knocked Joe Montana out in 1990. So the Giants are better, no matter what you say.”
It is the same bullshit I hear from the Yankee fans all the time…we got 26 and you have 1. Well, first of all we got 6. Its the Yankee fans who say, “Well, only from 1918 on”. Who the fuck decided that this was the cutoff year?
Secondly, I am 21 and have been a Sox fan for 4 years (since I got back into baseball). What the hell do I care what they did in 1957? I wasn’t alive, and neither were the current players (on either team!). So who gives a shit?
And yea, if the Sox lose, add Tony to the list of infamous Sox who screwed up.