Go Boston!

[quote]swivel wrote:
IagoMB wrote:
swivel wrote:

and btw if i screw you in the ass, like the sox did the spanks today, that would make you gay. not me.

If you’re the one doing the screwing, then you’re the one doing the gaying.

hahaha! girl you make yourself comfortable any way you want to , as long as my dick’s in your ass i don’t care either way ! [/quote]

Okay, that’s really creepy.

[quote]swivel wrote:
IagoMB wrote:
swivel wrote:

and btw if i screw you in the ass, like the sox did the spanks today, that would make you gay. not me.

If you’re the one doing the screwing, then you’re the one doing the gaying.

hahaha! girl you make yourself comfortable any way you want to , as long as my dick’s in your ass i don’t care either way ! [/quote]

Boston took it in the ass today

[quote]mmg_4 wrote:
swivel wrote:
IagoMB wrote:
swivel wrote:

and btw if i screw you in the ass, like the sox did the spanks today, that would make you gay. not me.

If you’re the one doing the screwing, then you’re the one doing the gaying.

hahaha! girl you make yourself comfortable any way you want to , as long as my dick’s in your ass i don’t care either way !

Boston took it in the ass today[/quote]

ouch no kidding dude. those chi sox didn’t even use lube .

[quote]mmg_4 wrote:
i am a yankees fan and i have to admit i never really minded boston before…they were sort of an after thhought…i mean weve beaten them so many times, and i kinda felt bad for them. But then schilling and millar came along, the two biggest drama queens ive ever seen in baseball. also, if this past year is an indication of how things are when the red sox win, ill give anything to watch the yankees win their 27th title…Fucking “cowboy up” and “us against the world” fucking morons[/quote]

I know what you mean. I actually rooted hard for the Red Sox in the WS against the Mets (1986?). I wanted to see them get one.

The current team and its fans are obnoxious as hell.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
mmg_4 wrote:
i am a yankees fan and i have to admit i never really minded boston before…they were sort of an after thhought…i mean weve beaten them so many times, and i kinda felt bad for them. But then schilling and millar came along, the two biggest drama queens ive ever seen in baseball. also, if this past year is an indication of how things are when the red sox win, ill give anything to watch the yankees win their 27th title…Fucking “cowboy up” and “us against the world” fucking morons

I know what you mean. I actually rooted hard for the Red Sox in the WS against the Mets (1986?). I wanted to see them get one.

The current team and its fans are obnoxious as hell.

and ?

Somebody want to remind Graffanino that this is the playoffs? I’m about to throw my damn TV out the window over that little league error.

When did Buckner come back as a second baseman?
That just sucks

[quote]swivel wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
mmg_4 wrote:
i am a yankees fan and i have to admit i never really minded boston before…they were sort of an after thhought…i mean weve beaten them so many times, and i kinda felt bad for them. But then schilling and millar came along, the two biggest drama queens ive ever seen in baseball. also, if this past year is an indication of how things are when the red sox win, ill give anything to watch the yankees win their 27th title…Fucking “cowboy up” and “us against the world” fucking morons

I know what you mean. I actually rooted hard for the Red Sox in the WS against the Mets (1986?). I wanted to see them get one.

The current team and its fans are obnoxious as hell.

and ?[/quote]

And the Red Sox lose again.


Just curious; how old are you?

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:

Just curious; how old are you?[/quote]

39 years old. As I said before I actually wanted to see the Red Sox win it in 1986 and the Buckner comment someone made was a cheap shot. Buckner did not lose that series for them. He has taken far too much blame.

After seeing all the phony Red Sox fans come out of the woodwork and hear the garbage that has come out of their mouths for the last year I hope to never see the Red Sox win another one.

My apologies to the real Red Sox fans that have stuck with the team through the bad times, but damn I have never seen a larger contingent of phony fairweather fans show up after a team wins a championship.

I am sure most of the fans in the New England area are the real deal, but the ones I see in PA are full of shit and there are a lot like them all over the country.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
swivel wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
mmg_4 wrote:
i am a yankees fan and i have to admit i never really minded boston before…they were sort of an after thhought…i mean weve beaten them so many times, and i kinda felt bad for them. But then schilling and millar came along, the two biggest drama queens ive ever seen in baseball. also, if this past year is an indication of how things are when the red sox win, ill give anything to watch the yankees win their 27th title…Fucking “cowboy up” and “us against the world” fucking morons

I know what you mean. I actually rooted hard for the Red Sox in the WS against the Mets (1986?). I wanted to see them get one.

The current team and its fans are obnoxious as hell.

and ?

And the Red Sox lose again.[/quote]

and we’re still here !

Eh, you’ll get that with any championship team; what are you gonna’ do?

My point of contention is with those who incessantly cite the Yankees world championships from the days of Mantle, Maris, Gehrig, and Ruth as if they have some resounding significance nowadays. It’s like me talking smack to a Spurs fan nowadays because Russell, Cousy, and Auerbach won a boatload of NBA championships for the Celtics before I was even born. I’ve been a Celts fan my entire life, and I certainly respect the tradition, but I’m not going to use it as material to sling here in 2005 when the Celts haven’t done anything since 1981, 1984, and 1986 (the only ones for which I’ve been alive). The Yankees won in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000; most of the people talking smack have only been around for these four.

It just kind of gets old that baseball fans have to listen to this double standard when it wouldn’t happen in any other sport. The fact of the matter is that the Yankees have not been the best team in baseball since 2000 when they won the World Series. The best teams are the ones winning in the present; not those relying on their traditions to give their fanbase a false sense of superiority. Dodgers fans aren’t bragging about championships in the 50s and 60s in light of their 1988 win; why should the Yankee fans act any differently?

Looks like we may have to change the title of this thread to “Go Home Boston!”

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
Eh, you’ll get that with any championship team; what are you gonna’ do?

My point of contention is with those who incessantly cite the Yankees world championships from the days of Mantle, Maris, Gehrig, and Ruth as if they have some resounding significance nowadays. It’s like me talking smack to a Spurs fan nowadays because Russell, Cousy, and Auerbach won a boatload of NBA championships for the Celtics before I was even born. I’ve been a Celts fan my entire life, and I certainly respect the tradition, but I’m not going to use it as material to sling here in 2005 when the Celts haven’t done anything since 1981, 1984, and 1986 (the only ones for which I’ve been alive). The Yankees won in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000; most of the people talking smack have only been around for these four.

It just kind of gets old that baseball fans have to listen to this double standard when it wouldn’t happen in any other sport. The fact of the matter is that the Yankees have not been the best team in baseball since 2000 when they won the World Series. The best teams are the ones winning in the present; not those relying on their traditions to give their fanbase a false sense of superiority. Dodgers fans aren’t bragging about championships in the 50s and 60s in light of their 1988 win; why should the Yankee fans act any differently?[/quote]

true, but at the same time a lot of red sox fans base their irrational hatred of the yankees on things that have happened in the past, going all the way back to babe ruth…also, if were speaking simply in terms of red sox vs. yankees, well its not really close in the last 10 years, let alone 100…8 straight division titles, 4 world championships,etc…and its not the same as the celtics either, because,as you said, they are not good now,unlike the yankees. also, they make the playoffs year after year after year,so u see they should be considered the best. just my opinion

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
Eh, you’ll get that with any championship team; what are you gonna’ do?

My point of contention is with those who incessantly cite the Yankees world championships from the days of Mantle, Maris, Gehrig, and Ruth as if they have some resounding significance nowadays. It’s like me talking smack to a Spurs fan nowadays because Russell, Cousy, and Auerbach won a boatload of NBA championships for the Celtics before I was even born. I’ve been a Celts fan my entire life, and I certainly respect the tradition, but I’m not going to use it as material to sling here in 2005 when the Celts haven’t done anything since 1981, 1984, and 1986 (the only ones for which I’ve been alive). The Yankees won in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000; most of the people talking smack have only been around for these four.

It just kind of gets old that baseball fans have to listen to this double standard when it wouldn’t happen in any other sport. The fact of the matter is that the Yankees have not been the best team in baseball since 2000 when they won the World Series. The best teams are the ones winning in the present; not those relying on their traditions to give their fanbase a false sense of superiority. Dodgers fans aren’t bragging about championships in the 50s and 60s in light of their 1988 win; why should the Yankee fans act any differently?[/quote]

haha. I have been saying this exact same thing for God know how long. If the Niners win in football, I don’t say “Well, Leonard Marshall knocked Joe Montana out in 1990. So the Giants are better, no matter what you say.”

It is the same bullshit I hear from the Yankee fans all the time…we got 26 and you have 1. Well, first of all we got 6. Its the Yankee fans who say, “Well, only from 1918 on”. Who the fuck decided that this was the cutoff year?

Secondly, I am 21 and have been a Sox fan for 4 years (since I got back into baseball). What the hell do I care what they did in 1957? I wasn’t alive, and neither were the current players (on either team!). So who gives a shit?

And yea, if the Sox lose, add Tony to the list of infamous Sox who screwed up.

Can’t say I’m much of a sox guy out here in the NW, but it sure has been fun watching Ortiz put the team on his back. If he don’t win the MVP award over Arod its gonna be a tragedy. Not since the Jordan era have I seen a guy come through for his team like Big Pappi has, and Millars a little cocksucker. Garciaparra should’ve whipped his fuckin ass on his way out the door.

Warming up the trumpet to play taps.

And it is ridiculous that red sox fans and players are allowed to breed.

Look who is talking Mr I want to throw my tv out the window.

I guess you became a pampered bitch because you finally won one and got to boast about it.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Eric Cressey wrote:

Just curious; how old are you?

39 years old. As I said before I actually wanted to see the Red Sox win it in 1986 and the Buckner comment someone made was a cheap shot. Buckner did not lose that series for them. He has taken far too much blame.

After seeing all the phony Red Sox fans come out of the woodwork and hear the garbage that has come out of their mouths for the last year I hope to never see the Red Sox win another one.

My apologies to the real Red Sox fans that have stuck with the team through the bad times, but damn I have never seen a larger contingent of phony fairweather fans show up after a team wins a championship.

I am sure most of the fans in the New England area are the real deal, but the ones I see in PA are full of shit and there are a lot like them all over the country.[/quote]

I completely agree with you. I have been a Yankees fan when they were at the bottom of the division and never hid the fact that I was a Yankees fan, and when they finally won, I didn’t put it into everyone’s face at every chance I got but now I am getting pissed because it has been almost a year and they are still boasting about “being the best.”

The funny thing is that when I go to the gym, I see a lot more Boston hats and shirts and its always the skinny, weak bastards wearing them.