Perhaps the question should be then: ‘why do keto?’ Follow a diet that fits both your metabolic and neurological needs. A keto-diet which constantly keeps you in a sympathetic state will burn you out eventually. This is true for the other neurotypes, but mostly for a type 3.
In truth, the keto diet is the worst possible diet option for a type 3. Not only do Type 3 have low serotonin, they are also poor methylators and have the slow COMT enzyme type, meaning that they don’t break down adrenaline rapidly when it’s released (which is why they tend to be anxious, have problems sleeping and overthink).The keto diet, by being low carbs actually increase adrenaline production (which is why a lot of people report high energy when they switch to keto). Not something you want if you can’t break it down efficiently.
So when serotonin is raised with carbs, how to boost GABA via food? or how to make GAD more effective (if it can be done somehow). anyway, thx for reactions.
The amino acid glutamine is important as the ground substance. The body will make the neurotransmitter glutamate out of it, from there you need to convert it through the GAD enzyme into GABA. The important thing here is that you need the active form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate). I believe there are also a pathways through glucose, pyruvate and ketones which I’m less familiar with (if anyone would like to add something on that is very welcome). Glutamine is found in most of the protein containing sources. So adding some B6 will be very beneficial.