My girlfriend is studing nutrition and got into me the other day about eating yolks. Apparently some nutrition big-wig came into class and told them how if you eat egg yolks you’ll be banished to the firey gates of hell.
i remember reading an article mentioning a study where participants ate 2-3 daily eggs for 6 months with no increase in colesterol.
also, she told me that it’s the egg whites that have the protein, not the yolk. i said the yolk have a signifacntly larger amount of protein in them.
can anyone help me with official sources to back my claims up?
I graduated 2006 with a BS in Nutrition, and had to dig out one of my old textbooks to help you out �?? I�??m going out on a limb, and assuming that she believes eggs are the devil because of their high cholesterol content.
Here�??s what you tell your girlfiend: �??Contrary to widespread belief, changing the amount of cholesterol in the diet has only a minor influence on blood cholesterol concentration in most people. This is because compensatory mechanisms are engaged, such as HDL activity and scavenging excess cholesterol and the down-regulation of cholesterol synthesis by dietary cholesterol. It is well known, however, that certain individuals respond strongly, and others weakly, to dietary cholesterol. This phenomenon, which may have a genetic basis, is further complicated by the observation that significant within-person variability exists independent of diet, a fact that clearly confounds the results of intersubject studies.�??
She wasn�??t right about the egg whites either; while the majority of the protein is in the white (3.6g white/2.7g yolk) it�??s almost 50/50. Also, all of the nutrients are in the yolk. As Charles Poliquin Says, �??only dorks eat egg whites�??.
Gropper, S. S. (2005). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism 4th Edition. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth.
Low and behold on 30+ eggs a week my cholesterol is within normal levels.
Now when someone gives me shit, I ask them the last time they got tested and what the results were. i then explain my results and ask them how they explain why im not dying.
studies and science is great, but at the end of the day if you can establish that you are healthy doing what you do, they cant argue.
While everything else has been said, I routinely have to remind people that an egg white has 3g protein, and a whole egg has 6g. Why on earth would you half your protein intake? (I have 4 whole eggs every morning and I feel great -lol)
I’ve got a degree in Nutrition and I think egg yolks are great. The source above stating that your body compensates for dietary cholesterol is exactly right. A bigger influence in your bodies production of cholesterol is total fat and especially the type of fat you are consuming.
I don’t think you need a degree in nutrition to see that eggs are good for you - the whole egg that is. Just look at what an egg can do. It goes from being a liquid goop sitting in side a shell to a little living creature. How can something with such amazing nutritional capacity be bad for you?
[quote]on edge wrote:
Just look at what an egg can do. It goes from being a liquid goop sitting in side a shell to a little living creature. How can something with such amazing nutritional capacity be bad for you?[/quote]
What a completely disgusting and disturbing way to describe it. Now I’m hungry for eggs.