Having completed basic training, as a change of style and back to how I like to train, I’m giving 5/3/1 Boring But Big a go. Hoping to gradually increase weight whilst getting fitter also. Logging here as every now and again I’ll get a fresh perspective on something and that’s always good. Gona try and log my food in here as well.
Training Maxes:
Bench 85kg
Squat 90kg
Dead 130kg
Press 45kg
Might as well start from the beginning.
Last week’s training:
Press day 11/5/2015
5x - 20, 22.5, 27.5, 30, 35, 40, 42.5kg
5x10 42.5kg
Db row
5x10 20kg
Partials/Laterals Superset
17.5kg 35/35/35 4kg 15/15/15
Hammer Curls
1.6 mile run 10:55 - into the wind up a hill, christ alive
Deadlift day 12/5/2015
5x 52.5, 65, 80, 85, 97.5, 112.5, 117.5kg
5x10 45kg
Situps 4x15
Bench day 14/5/2015
5x 35, 42.5, 52.5, 57.5, 65, 72.5, 77.5kg
5x10 22.5kg
Lat Pulldowns
5x10 56.5kg
Curls 3x10
Face pulls 3x20
Rope pulldowns 3x10
Squat day 15/5/2015
5x 37.5, 45, 55, 60, 67.5, 77.5, 82.5
5x10 65kg
Treadmill Intervals 10-15 mins
Went for a run on Saturday 16/5 up some big ass hill to get some hill work in, tasted metal in my mouth at the end of it so Sunday I went easy.
Press Day 18/5/2015
5x 20, 22.5
3x27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5 4x45 - did an extra rep because it was very easy.
5x10 45kg
Db rows
22kg 5x10
Partials/Laterals superset 40 secs rest
18kg 35/35/35 6kg 12/12/12
Hammer curls
3x10 12kg
Treadmill hill Intervals
2 mins run
2.5 mins jog
3 mins run
2.5 mins jog
4 mins run
2.5 mins jog
2 mins run
2 mins jog
Deadlift day 19/5/2015
5x 52.5, 65
3x80, 92.5, 105, 117.5
Called it a day due to time constraints.