[quote]IrishHawkeye wrote:
guitarlifter wrote:
IrishHawkeye wrote:
Gallon of Milk A Day
only whole milk (also known as Vitamin D milk)
start slow, maybe taking in 1/2 gallon a day for a week, then a 3/4 gallon, etc etc
i cant remember exactly, but its around 2500-2700 calories, 125 g protein.
ive managed to put on 25 lbs so far with GOMAD and makes getting in all those calories much easier, imo.
Sorry, but I’m gonna have to give a thumbs down for milk. Milk is just not a clean source for protein because it’s full of bad sugars and fats, causes insulin resistance, bloating, water retention, manipulates hormones for the worse (increases estrogen, decreases testosterone), causes acne. I’ve personally experienced all of those side effects from milk. Don’t get me wrong. Milk is my favorite drink on the planet. I just don’t like how milk treats me after all of my years of faithfulness to it.
tons of old school body builders used to take down a gallon of milk a day, some even 2 gallons with lots of heavy squatting. Aka the Squat and Milk diet.
im guessing everyone has their own different experiences with GOMAD, as we all have different bodies that react differently to different training styles, eating habits, etc etc.
personally, GOMAD has worked fantastic and I highly recommend it. i havent experienced any of the negatives that you noted above.
GOMAD also isnt a permanent solution. its meant to teach you and your body how to take in more calories, as well as make it easier to take in those needed calories and protein when you are first starting out.
to each his own i guess.
Well, if it means anything, I’m not bias because I’ve tried both methods. I’ve drank close to 2 gallons of whole milk a day before for extended periods oftime, and it got me fat as hell, bloated me, gave me water retention which made me look even fatter, especially in the face, and made my body over-produce oil. I also have pubertal gynocomastia from years ago, and it’s still here. I’m guessing it could have been from milk raising estrogen. I remember having blood tests right before and after I stopped drinking milk with my diets because I was trying to get a script for accutane. I stopped drinking milk because of what I head read, and, on my blood tests, my test levels and estrogen levels did a complete 180. I started dropping bodyfat and water like mad, and my acne started clearing up. Sluggish feeling went away, too.
Bodybuilders back then drank raw milk, which is much healthier for you. Don’t forget that the golden era of bodybuilding also was very into lifting for long periods of time every day. These guys could handle the calories and constantly spiked insulin because the insulin was actually doing its job in shuttling nutrients. These guys sure did need it with the amounts of damage that they were doing to their body If they were also drinking the milk in large quantities in one sitting, then that would be much better than drinking it spread throughout the whole day.
So if one were to drink large quantities of milk, I’d suggest a half-gallon in the morning and a half-gallon after working out, or a third of a gallon in the morning, pre and post workout. The insulin spike could be useful, but even then, the bloating and smoothness and, just thinking of the things the milk did to me makes me sick. haha But whatever though. I’m happy milk has worked for you. Keep at it if it works. I just wish milk wasn’t this way for me . . .