Getting Back on Track

So I’ve decided to try and compete in track and field again. It’s been about 3 years since I’ve seriously trained for it. Here is a list of my personal bests.

100m = 11.10
110HH = 14.59
200m = 22.42
400m = 47.5
400mH = 53.54
1500m = 4:30.3
Long Jump = 23’ 2"
High Jump = 6’ 9.5"
Pole Vault 15’ 5"
Shot Put (16lbs) = 41’ 10.75"
Discus (2Kg) = 128’ 3"
Javelin (800g) = 168’ 11"

Basically I’m going to be using this space to keep a log of my track workouts.

At the moment my main goal is to get so my body can handle fall training. So the first month or so of workouts aren’t going to be very impressive.


AM: Lifting
I have a long history of quad and groin strains so I’m being cautious at the moment.

Squat 85# 3x8, 155# 2x5
Jump Squat 20# 4x5
Leg Ext 55# 2x20

PM: Track Workout

800m Warmup
dynamic warmup / form drills
4x50m Build-ups

Hurdle Drills
5 starts over 1 hurdle @ 39"

3x60m strides ~ 9.0s

Workout felt pretty good. Hamstrings were a little tight going over the hurdles but loosened up after the first couple starts. The 60m strides felt really easy and were pain free.


AM: Lifting

105# 3x5
145# 3x8
20# db 3x10
20# db 3x10

Lifting was really easy. I’m in no rush to lift heavy, just trying to ease myself into my routine.

PM: Track Workout

800m Warmup
dynamic warmup / form drills
4x50m Build-ups

1 step jumping drills 3x8
3 step jumping drills 3x8

3x150m (21.5, 21.0, 20.5)

Workout felt good again. Hamstrings were a little sore from Monday’s hurdling. Had no quad pain from Mondays 60m strides, which is good. Mondays workouts (speed days) were always the days that gave my quads the biggest problems. The 150’s felt easy, felt like maybe 50% effort.


AM: Lifting

Was suppose to do abdominal work this morning but didn’t. Had some house guests sleeping in the basement and didn’t want to wake them up at 4:30 with me banging weights around. Thought about fitting it in at night but decided to watch Olympics instead.

PM: Track Workout

20 minute jog. Ran 2.5 miles (8:00 minute mile pace).

That was it for the day, other than some foam rolling and stretching at night while watching the Olympics. Jog felt pretty easy. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I did a lot of distance running a couple months ago and was doing 9-11 milers at just over 7 minute pace, but I hadn’t done any running for two months. I actually was expecting to run slower than I did.


AM: Lifting

65# 4x5
155# 3x8
Hip Thrust
95# 3x8
Leg Curl
45# 3x8
20# DB 3x8

Foam Rolling / Stretching

Lifting was pretty easy, didn’t expect it to be hard though. Right quad is feeling a little funky right now. Doesn’t hurt, but feels likes somethings not quite right. Probably going to play it a little safe on the running this afternoon.


PM: Track Workout

Typical warmup
Hurdle Drills

5 starts over 1 hurdle

3x100m walk back recovery (13.2, 12.6, 12.1)

Right quad felt a little funky, but felt really strong. Felt like I can run considerably faster, just afraid my leg will blow up.

After Thursday’s track workout I did some overhead sledgehammer swings, with a 12 lbs sledge, and some overhead throws with a 600g ball. I probably did 3x10 with the sledge and maybe a dozen easy throws with the ball. I didn’t really keep track of what I was doing, I just threw them in as I was playing outside with the kids.


AM: Lifting

Push Press
95# 4x5
OH Press
25# DB 3x8
BW 3x6
65# 3x8

Foam Rolling / Stretching

Not going to do any running today. Was initially planning on doing another 20-30 min. jog but the wife wants to go to the state fair. I’m sure I could find a way to fit it in, but it’s not that important at this point.

Over the weekend I did a little work on Javelin throwing.

Saturday I did some easy throws with a 1 Kg ball, did some standing throws with the javelin and some overhead swings with a 12 lbs sledge. I did around 10 throws with the javelin, increasing the distance with each throw. My final throw was around 130 feet. I would like to get that around 180 feet, so I have a little room for improvement. I did 4x10 for the overhead sledgehammer swings.

Sunday I did probably around 100 easy throws with a 600g ball. My forearm and shoulder were pretty stiff and sore from Saturday but the easy throwing loosened them up a bit.


AM: Lifting

95# 3x8
175# 3x5
Jump Squat
30# 3x5
Split Squat
10# 3x8
Leg Ext.
57.5# 2x20

Decided to start doing split squat again. This use to cause my quads a lot of problems, so I’m starting very light. Didn’t have any problems today.

Also, my son has been sick all weekend and was waking up 6-7 times a night. So getting up this morning to lift was a little more difficult than normal. He’s going to the doctor today, we’re thinking that his tubes are either clogged or have fallen out. I’m hoping whatever it is we don’t have too many more nights like the last couple.

Monday: 8/13/12

PM: Track Workout

Typical Warmup
Hurdle Drills

3 Starts over 1 Hurdle
3 Starts over 2 Hurdles

(3x60m Flys)x2 (2 min / 6 min)
(7.0, 6.9, 7.0)(6.7, 6.8, 6.7)

Hamstring felt like it was going to cramp during my last set of hurdle starts. Didn’t seem to have a problem with it in the 60m flys though. The 6.7’s felt about 90%. I think I can go a little faster and I’m feeling a lot more confident that I’m not going to get injured.

PM: Throws work

I did a short throws workout in the evening.

I did some medicine ball throws, 50 easy throws with a 800g ball and 2x10 on side swings with a 12lbs sledge.
Only took about 15 minutes and felt pretty good.

Tuesday: 8/14/12

AM: Lifting

Hang Clean

115# 4x5


150# 3x8


30# db 3x8


30# db 3x8

Tuesday: 8/14/12

PM: Throws and Track Work

Main focus was working on discus. I probably did around 30 standing throws. The majority of them were in the 105-110’ range but I did get some out to 115’, they just took a lot more effort. I did about 10 full throws with a 6lbs handled med ball, which I was able to throw around 100’. I then did 50 easy throws with a 1 Kg ball and 4x10 on overhead swings with a 12 lbs sledge.

I wasn’t able to make it to a track, had to stay home with a sick kid, so I ran on the road. I ran 6x20s with a walk-back recovery. I didn’t push these very hard because my legs were pretty shot from Monday.

Wednesday: 8/15/12

AM: Lifting

Roman Chair Situps

10# 3x8

Russian Twists

10# 3x5

Ab Wheel


Side Bends

40# 3x10

Wednesday: 8/15/2012

PM: Track Work

25 minute jog. 3.05 miles at 8:12 mile pace. My legs have been really sore since Monday and I think this slowed me down a lot on my jog. Overall it wasn’t too bad though.

Thursday: 8/16/2012

AM: Lifting


75# 4x5


165# 3x8

Hip Thrust

100# 3x8

Step Ups

20# db 3x8

Leg Curls

50# 3x8

RDL and Leg Curls were a little rough because my hamstrings were still pretty sore from hurdling on Monday. Not sure if I’m going to be able to run this afternoon or not, I may have a photo shoot. Kind of hoping I don’t have it so that I can get my workout in.

Didn’t get a run in yesterday, so I’ll do one on Saturday to make up for it.

Friday: 8/17/2012

AM: Lifting

Push Press

105# 4x5

OH Press

30# db 3x8

Pull Ups

BW 3x7


70# 3x8

Friday: 8/17/12

PM: Track Work

(200m x 3) x 2 Pace 30s
(31.7, 30.7, 31.1) (29.9, 29.8, 28.4)

I had legs of lead today. They were exhausted. Hopefully things are better next week.

Monday: 8/20/12

AM: Lifting


105# 3x8
185# 4x5

Jump Squat

40# 3x5

Split Squat

20# 3x8

Leg Ext.

60# 20,15

Monday: 8/20/12

PM: Track Workout

Typical Warm-up
Hurdle drills

(4 30" hurdles, five stepping) x 3
(4 33" hurdles, five stepping) x 3
(4 36" hurdles, five stepping) x 3

(60m flys x 4) x 2
(7.1, 7.1, 6.8, 6.8)(6.8, 7.0, 6.7, 6.9)

My hamstrings were still sore and stiff from last week so I decided to lower the hurdles and take some stress off by not going as hard over them. I also hope that doing a little more volume will help losen them up a little. My quads also got pretty sore from last Monday’s workout so I decided not to try and run any faster than last week. I’m hoping that the soreness gradually subsides as the weeks go on and that I can start pushing the pace. Overall felt pretty good, legs were pretty exhausted by the end.

Tuesday: 8/21/12

AM: Lifting


125# 4x5


155# 3x8


30# db 3x10


30# db 3x10

Foam Rolled legs afterward

I was just thinking last night that I wish the training logs could be set up in a calender type of format. My workouts are pretty routine and it would be nice to be able to click a date on a calender to see what I did three weeks ago instead of having to scroll through all my posts.

Tuesday: 8/21/12

PM: Track Workout

Typical Warmup

(200m x 4) x 2
Pace: 30s
Recovery: 200m walk / 6 min between sets

(30.0, 30.1, 30.1, 29.8)(28.6, 29.3, 29.7, 27.1)

Felt pretty good going into the workout. Was sore from lifting on Monday but didn’t seem to have any other problems. I had a hard time slowing down in the second set and on my last 200m I noticed some quad pain. I don’t think it’s going to bother me tomorrow but I thought it was interesting that I started noticing it when my legs started getting fatigued.