Are there genes which can cause you to live a long time? My adopted grandmother who died 15 years ago (August 4, 1995) was 108 when she passed. I think the cause of death was kidney failure. In her life, from what I understand, she’d never been sick until her final years. In fact, she died clinically once, when she was 102, but the doctors were able to resuscitate her and she lived another 6 years.
Now it was said, her father, who was born a slave, died at the age of 116 in 1972.
My adopted grandmother didnt drink or smoke, but she wasnt a health nut either. She ate her share of porkchops, collard greens and fried chicken and catfish and didnt workout. Was her extremely long life caused by good genes?
Health-wise, we’re all pretty much slaves to our genes. Lifestyle changes can improve the outlook on certain genetic faults (ie: proper diet and exercise if you have a family history of heart disease), but 9 times out of 10 our DNA wins. The reverse can be true as well…if you have a family history of longevity you might live to be 100 despite a lifetime of smoking and drinking.
Here’s an example of one genetic basis for longevity. There are likely several others…
A lot of longevity research involves the enzyme telomerase, which affects how many times DNA can replicate. It’s very tricky research though, and not just a matter of injecting someone with more telomerase, as the same enzyme is used in the formation of cancerous cells.
[quote]clip11 wrote:
Are there genes which can cause you to live a long time? My adopted grandmother who died 15 years ago (August 4, 1995) was 108 when she passed. I think the cause of death was kidney failure. In her life, from what I understand, she’d never been sick until her final years. In fact, she died clinically once, when she was 102, but the doctors were able to resuscitate her and she lived another 6 years.
Now it was said, her father, who was born a slave, died at the age of 116 in 1972.
My adopted grandmother didnt drink or smoke, but she wasnt a health nut either. She ate her share of porkchops, collard greens and fried chicken and catfish and didnt workout. Was her extremely long life caused by good genes?[/quote]
Someppl’s DNA denatures slower than others, look up “Telemers” i think it is;some peoples are longer than others (winkwink). Pretty conclusive. The only reason i can think of anyone wanting to live longer than normal is maybe more time to win the Lottery?! If i make it 'yond 70 ive done good.