Professor X wrote:
farmerson12 wrote:
Derek542 wrote:
DarkNinjaa wrote:
Derek542 wrote:…-in-after-earth
Interesting anybody else heard anything about this movie?
I will see this. I like Will Smith. But his son always gets on my nerves. I felt like punching the screen during the scenes with Jaden in the remake of The day The earth Stood Still.
And don’t get me started with The Karate Kid…
0_0 I feel the same way. I dont know what it is, Will is one of my favorite actors since BelAir. But for some reason his kid just comes of as a cocky smart as little fucker.
Because he is cocky. Will is one of my favorite actors but damn his son’s fame went to his head fast. If you look up interviews, you will see what Im saying. Hopefully he will grow out of it.
It’s all he’s known…and he grew up super rich…the exact opposite of both of his parents.
Will knows what it is like to not be on top. He learned that lesson well even after he was signed to a record deal because he almost went flat broke.
Kids raised with everything will always lack that spark that really makes us focus in on how hard someone worked to get to where they are.
This kid basically had it all just handed to him…and all he had to do was be born.
I would be cocky as hell too.
How the hell do you teach someone like that humility without pulling a “Nic Cage near career fail”?
Celeb kids like this are the closest thing America will ever get to royalty.
I cant argue with that and I would probably have the same attitude as well. Like I said, I hope he grows out of it. IF he follows his dads path, he could be one incredible actor.