Gear Truisms

There is a lot of newbie questions going around lately, which is fine, but I thought I would take the liberty to post something that I saw a very long time ago on another board. It was originally posted by Iron Addict. I simply copy and saved it, which is what I prefer everyone else do as well.

  1. The more gear you do the more you grow. Sorry I know many of you didn’t want to
    hear that but it’s a fact. While going from 500 mgs a week to 1000 may not double your
    gains it will increase them (assuming training and nutrition are in order) and going from a
    gram to 2 grams a week will again probably not double your gains but again will increase

  2. Something happens when mega-dosing (2+ grams a week) that simply does not occur
    at lower doses. Magic starts! This doesn?t mean a newbie should jump to 2 grams a week.
    You should always start low and slowly work up over YEARS time. I did gear for over 4
    years before I ever hit a gram a week.

  3. For growth heavy androgens are the way to go for 80% of trainees. This means a test
    base with fina, d-bol, adrol, or EQ. Primo, deca winny etc have their uses but NEVER
    supply the bang for the buck of the heavy hitters and never equate to the growth of the
    big-boys. If you can’t grow on test, tren, and d-ball take up bowling, you ain’t gonna grow.
    Quit searching for exotic roids that you think will somehow catapult you to the next level.
    The basics are where it’s at. The only thing that grows better on the light anabolics is your
    suppliers wallet!

  4. Shots should NOT hurt, or hurt VERY LITTLE! If the mg per ml ratio is correct for the
    gear/ester a shot should not be painful and should not cause swelling. ALL common gear
    (in oil, water based suspensions are a different animal) flows absolutely fine through a 25
    gauge pin and if you can give me one reason to use anything else I would be stupefied! It
    is NOT the amount of oil that causes pain, it is the solvent content. MORE IS NOT

  5. MANY, MANY people are simply not bothered by est related sides. I see posts all the
    time by people that have just always assumed they had to use anti-e’s and have never even
    done a cycle without them. If you are not sure you should certainly have them on hand in
    case, and they should always be used post-cycle but why use them if they are not needed?
    I have NEVER used anti-e’s during a cycle even when doing 3 grams a week test. I have
    NEVER had any est related problem. Even when doing synovex with the est left in.
    Probably 80% of people do need anti-e protection but if you don’t need it why are you
    doing it? All anti-e’s reduce the anabolic effects of gear to some degree.

  6. Doing gear does NOT stop overtraining from occurring, it greatly reduces its effects
    but EVERYONE still has a point (volume/frequency) at which overtraining occurs. THE
    PERIOD END OF DISCUSSION! I always suggest doing a routine that someone knows
    they can grow on when not juicing then the gear will amplify the training results. Most
    people overtrain and don’t grow optimally or at all.

  7. After your first couple of cycles each subsequent cycle has diminishing returns. You
    lose a large percentage of your gains post cycle. Don’t tell me you keep all or most of your
    gains. If it worked that way the average guy starting out at 170 that gained 20 lbs each
    cycle and kept 15 would only need to do 6 cycles spread out over two years to be a 260 lb
    FREAK. It don’t work that way sorry!

  8. The big boys (competitive Bodybuilders and powerlifters) generally stay on year round.
    I know many of you didn’t want to hear this…sorry! That is how they avoid the weight
    yo-yo’s and consistently go up.

  9. The toxicity of orals is SEVERELY OVERSTATED. I have never talked to or
    exchanged information with someone that actually had blood-work done while on that
    still thought they were toxic. The people that will tell you how poison they are have
    NEVER been tested while doing them. I have done d-ball for over a year strait at 75+ mgs
    per day while being tested. No problems. They should still be used cautiously but until
    you have had blood-work done you have no idea how they will effect you. Nonetheless
    people recommending only using them for 4 weeks are fucking clueless!




  13. All these things can only be learned in retrospect AFTER you have tried. Your
    individual metabolism is unique onto itself. You will never know until you try.

  14. All AS work best in a calorie and macro/micro nutrient overabundance environment.
    If you are a 180-225 lb lifter and are not getting at least 300-350 grams of protein
    EVERY DAY quit bitching that your not growing. If you are 225 and above you need
    350-400+ grams a day if you are training heavy. Step up to the dinner plate or go home.

  15. Losing bodyfat while gaining muscle is not an optimal situation. MANY can pull it
    off, most people fall flat on their face attempting it. Add mass then cut. They should be
    separate phases.

  16. SIMPLE stacks using test as a base ALWAYS with one other item is all the average
    guy will ever need to do. Test/tren, test/d-bol, and test/EQ is ALL you need to build all
    the size and strenght you are going to need unless you are an elite competitor. QUIT

  17. If your training is correct not a lot of gear is required for great results. Training and
    diet is the TRUE key to increased size and strength.

  18. Until you are an advanced lifter you should NOT be doing gear. If I see another post
    by a 180 lb lifter that has been training for two years and wants to know how to cycle
    XXX I?m gonna kill something. Get your training and diet sorted out first and build a
    strong foundation before taking the plunge. You will thank yourself later.

Iron Addict

amazing post! For some reaon though I don’t beleive ALL pros are on gear all year long, just a select few I think.

Giving myself a shameless bump.

I think ‘Truism #5’ could get a lot of people in alot of trouble!!

I would argue with #9 also only because I did have blood work done and it did raise my liver values significantly after only four weeks of using 50mg of liquid d bol a day. Granted after the cycles completion the values returned to normal but 17 aa’s none the less do have an effect on the liver and as some of the previous statements would indicate everyones liver would/could be effected differently. Would it not be better to be safe than sorry.

Bear in mind that the same enzymes which signify liver damage are increased simply by training hard. Milk thistle and I don’t even worry.

Jesus I need glasses or ritalin… Or both!

Is this the same Merlin from Gymjunkies? If so… everyone pay some respect.

“Merlin the MILFhunter” huh? LOL.

Good post.

From what I’ve been able to gather, the old pros like Arnold were not on year round.

I think that is a commonly accepted fact, what are your thoughts on the matter?

this is of course simply speculation and only my .02 but i just cant see how todays big boys are actually recovering endo test production with the volume and duration they must run while juicing. nice post though. alot of it hit home.

i agree with everything but i think we still need to make sure we use caution with the orals and also make sure we are prepared with ancillaries.

i can just see some newbie reading this post and saying “hey i dont need any a-dex.”

I’ll still use anastrozole when using an aromatizable cycle… Rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it. I also don’t want to ever have to get into the oh shits I have itchy bumpy nipples this morning need nolv now…

Also the point on whether or not the person giving advice about using orals for only 4 weeks being clueless? What kind of shit is that? Its called cautious. Maybe a little too cautious, I personally think they can be stretched out for about twice that long without feeling like I am pushing the envelope too far…
I can drink a pint of gin a day for a year too… Doesn’t mean that I should or would want to. After about 4-5 continual weeks of drinking gin I am gonna be feeling pretty ass kicked regardless of whether or not it was due to my liver or not… I stop getting returns from dbol after about 5 weeks. Why continue? Because I might not have toxicity issues if I continue? Wrong answer.
I frankly don’t care whether this dude is from gymjunkies or not. There are a lot of really raw fish lurking around here. Better to give very very conservative advice until they can learn themselves what rules can and can’t be broken… No offense to anybody here including Merlin. I just don’t necessarily buy all of it, nor do I want to be inadvertanly responsible for some kid hurting himself. One of my best buddies around here and else where is a doctor, who uses steroids. I think his advice would carry a lot more weight with me personally. And I certainly think that he would take the cautious route in regards 17aa steroids and he’s never advised me to go longer then about 8-10 weeks on anything. And not that long for 17aa steroids… Just my buck and a half.

good pt. spook.

Like I posted, I didn’t write this, and there are definitely exceptions to every rule. These are general truisms that do hold true for the most part. I didn’t post it to debate it, but rather to help those that may benefit from it. Take what you need, anything you don’t agree with, that’s fine, it doesn’t hurt my feelings. :slight_smile: