Gear Guide Discussion

Don’t get a 13mm. Its not necessary. I have the 10mm version and I love it. It’ll hold up to whatever you need it to.

No idea since I’m in the States.

[quote]Synthetickiller wrote:
Don’t get a 13mm. Its not necessary. I have the 10mm version and I love it. It’ll hold up to whatever you need it to.

No idea since I’m in the States.[/quote]

For the past 6 months or so, I would have agreed with you on the 10mm.

I have a 10mm lever belt from Inzer, and a 13mm single prong from Elite. I love the easy of tightening the lever, but on a true max effort, I’ve found myself returning to the 13mm. I realize it’s tough to compare two different styles (lever/prong) from two different makers, but I really like the support I get from the 13mm.

I pretty much use the lever belt for anything other than singles, and also use it for DL’ing. But on a heavy single, or even a PR triple I’m back to the 13mm and loving it.

I think belts fall under the “Wraps, Sleeves and Everything else”.

I love my 13mm lever belt, but everyone under 220 who uses it finds it too stiff and it crushes their floating ribs.
I think you don’t “need” anything better than a 10mm lever belt, but if you’re a bigger lifter then the 13mm might be worthwhile.

[quote]smokotime wrote:
I think belts fall under the “Wraps, Sleeves and Everything else”.

I love my 13mm lever belt, but everyone under 220 who uses it finds it too stiff and it crushes their floating ribs.
I think you don’t “need” anything better than a 10mm lever belt, but if you’re a bigger lifter then the 13mm might be worthwhile.[/quote]

Like smokotime said, the 13mm’s a rib breaker. It cracked mine!!!

I now use my Inzer 10mm instead and it’s held up with no problem under a 600lb squat, and it feels like it’s good for A LOT more.

Cheers, gents. I’ll go for the 10mm one then.

Did you get yours in Ireland, Hanley? Might be cheaper for me to do that then get one from “rip-off Britain” as the media keep calling it over here.

[quote]Hanley wrote:
Like smokotime said, the 13mm’s a rib breaker. It cracked mine!!!

I now use my Inzer 10mm instead and it’s held up with no problem under a 600lb squat, and it feels like it’s good for A LOT more.[/quote]

Sounds like we found your weak point…Time to work on rib strength. :wink:

[quote]Woppa wrote:
Cheers, gents. I’ll go for the 10mm one then.

Did you get yours in Ireland, Hanley? Might be cheaper for me to do that then get one from “rip-off Britain” as the media keep calling it over here.[/quote]

Haha we’re the “rip off republic” apparently. Bloody media buzz words.

I ordered mine from aaaaages ago.

I’ve been using titan dual quad briefs (same thing, just no straps) and they are at least as good as the metal Viking v-type suit, support wise. I had to stretch the legs out a bit, but now it fits perfectly. I cannot directly compare it to the metal suit since it doesn’t have straps and its been over a year since I’ve worked the metal, but this thing has some nice carry over, but it will let you dip a little to get depth. Plus, it lets you really sit back.

A lot of people mention you have to change your style to accommodate this suit (to more of an oly squat), but I found that to be untrue.

I’ve only had problems deadlifting in it b/c the briefs seem to throw me forward every time I pull and I never seem to be able to lockout.

If there’s something about the suit I am overlooking, maybe someone could shed some light so cheeta doesn’t have to deal with it either.

I also haven’t lifted in a real suit (power pants are not “real”), that may be why I’m fighting with a suit that actually puts up a fight.

From working in it only one week, this suit is awesome.

Has anybody had success deadlifting in a centurion? I heard that the new material was too stiff and they hadn’t heard of anybody deadlifting in the centurion when i emailed a website which sells the suits, but i have no idea if that implies if its just the NXG super+ which is too stiff and not the NXG+, or if there is a difference at all.

If anybody could let Cheeta know the answer to that one i’d be interested myself. i really only wanted to get one suit for squatting and deadlifting and was looking at the centurion. I was after the biggest increase in total for the least money :smiley: That’s why i was hoping i’d get increases in the squat AND deadlift…

Bad luck on growing out of the suit cheeta, powerlifting is an expensive hobby :smiley: i’m hoping to go on a diet and getting a ‘looser’ suit that will be tight by my next comp, but it will still probably only last me a few comps.

What stance you deadlift in? And is this Centurian a close or wide stance?
I’ve tried Sumo in the Centurian Super+ Wide stance. Haven’t tried conventional in it. For the record, it helps a little at the very bottom and makes it easier on my hips, but that’s about it.

Smokotime, me? hope so, but anyway here goes…

I’m comfortable deadlifting sumo, squat heels shoulder width. I was going to go a wide stance suit, thinking the centurion because it would be my first time in gear. Getting an effect in both the squat and deadlift from the same suit would be nice

Smokotime:you did a review of the metal deadlifter too, you mentioned you got massive carryover. What kind of difference are we talking between that and the centurion? I was going to try and get a squat suit first of all, and if i could get a decent carryover with that in the deadlift as well i thought that my second piece of equipment should be a bench shirt. If the metal deadlifter is that much better though, then i might change my mind and leave the bench shirt till last…

I’d go with the wide stance centurian. It’s probably the best and easiest to learn with the squat, and it’ll protect your hips with straps up or down while you’re deadlifting. Honestly the straps on the centurian didn’t make much difference with me. I get about 10kg out of the centurian in the deadlift, and 50kg out of the metal king sumo.

Frankly I’d get more from the metal if my lockout was stronger, as every single weight I’ve attempted has come up off the floor quickly. That said, it is a lot harder to fit and use than the centurian.

The centurian is a great squat suit, and a (gear) beginners deadlift suit, so I don’t think you’ll go wrong.

[quote]Synthetickiller wrote:

A lot of people mention you have to change your style to accommodate this suit (to more of an oly squat), but I found that to be untrue.

Told ya so :stuck_out_tongue:

I initially struggled to pull sumo in my centurion suit, I got kicked forward and hitched my lockouts as a result, but once I figured out how to sit back, load up the suit and keep my chest up I was ok.

I’m interested to hear about Smokotime’s King Sumo… I’ve only a year left as a junior so I’m going all out for somthing big. I might get myself a king sumo and a super katana for Christmas!!


Im glad I found this Thread! I have a questions. I just got a Metal Deadlifter suit. I tried it for the first time the other day. I got some great pop off the floor. However when I got to my top set which would have been a new PR. I got it to my knees and couldnt lock it out. Felt like I was stuck their. Normaly if I can get it to my knees I can lock anything out. I felt like I couldnt push my hips threw. I pull conventional.

My guess is that the straps are too tight, if I loosen them will I loose my pop off the floor?

[quote]SDHW44 wrote:

Im glad I found this Thread! I have a questions. I just got a Metal Deadlifter suit. I tried it for the first time the other day. I got some great pop off the floor. However when I got to my top set which would have been a new PR. I got it to my knees and couldnt lock it out. Felt like I was stuck their. Normaly if I can get it to my knees I can lock anything out. I felt like I couldnt push my hips threw. I pull conventional.

My guess is that the straps are too tight, if I loosen them will I loose my pop off the floor? [/quote]

You’ll probably lose a bit of pop off the floor. From the sounds of things, I’d say you are rounding your back a bit more than usual to get to the bar. Once you get to a limit weight, if your back isn’t in a good position you simply can’t move it.
Don’t try to stay dead upright, just try to force yourself into the same position as raw.

To everyone else, I’ve gotten a set of APT knee wraps and have more on the way. I’ll have reviews up for the Strangulators, Convict Pro’s and most interesting to me “The WRAP 3XH” after 2-3 weeks.

[quote]SDHW44 wrote:

Im glad I found this Thread! I have a questions. I just got a Metal Deadlifter suit. I tried it for the first time the other day. I got some great pop off the floor. However when I got to my top set which would have been a new PR. I got it to my knees and couldnt lock it out. Felt like I was stuck their. Normaly if I can get it to my knees I can lock anything out. I felt like I couldnt push my hips threw. I pull conventional.

My guess is that the straps are too tight, if I loosen them will I loose my pop off the floor? [/quote]

I pull in this suit. I wear mine so tight it leaves dents in my traps. To get to the bar, I have set up a bit different than I do suitless. I push my knees out over the bar to get down. Basically, I am setting up over the bar instead of behind it. Then, I set my grip, tighten up, and rock back, pushing my hips down and then pop up.

[quote]Hanley wrote:
Synthetickiller wrote:

A lot of people mention you have to change your style to accommodate this suit (to more of an oly squat), but I found that to be untrue.

Told ya so :stuck_out_tongue:

I initially struggled to pull sumo in my centurion suit, I got kicked forward and hitched my lockouts as a result, but once I figured out how to sit back, load up the suit and keep my chest up I was ok.

I’m interested to hear about Smokotime’s King Sumo… I’ve only a year left as a junior so I’m going all out for somthing big. I might get myself a king sumo and a super katana for Christmas!![/quote]

The Super Katana is DEFINTELY worth it! My single ply Super Katana gives more pop than a double rage-x.

[quote]smokotime wrote:
I’m interested in anyones experiences with the APT Convicts and Strangulators vs. the Metal All-Blacks?

Also, anyones experiences with conventional deadlift suits? I have little experience with them since everyone I train with does sumo…

I have both Convicts and Strangulators, check that, I’ve used the Strangulators and I actually have a set of the Hybrids (Strangulator/Convict combination) that should arrive tomorrow.

I really like Convicts. They’re stiff and provide a lot of support, both wrists and knees.

The Strangulators are a heavy use wrap, but they’re a little softer and stretchier. They’re cool, but they sort of reminded me of the Blue Mambas which I didn’t like, so I figured the Hybrids would be perfect.

I’m not really a fan of any of the Metal wraps. APT blows them away, they’re cheaper, and they’re a much cooler company to deal with (they frequently send me wraps for free to try out, etc).

As far as DL suits go, I have Metal King. It’s seems to be the best out of all of them, but it still doesn’t really work, especially not for the larger guys.

That said, the King doesn’t push your balls into your stomach like other suits do, so that’s almost reason enough to go that route. It’s pretty tight around legs and has adjustable straps which is nice, but overall, the pop off the floor is minimal, at least for me. Again, probably better suited for a skinny guy like most DL suits.

Hope that helps.

[quote]masonator wrote:
The Super Katana is DEFINTELY worth it! My single ply Super Katana gives more pop than a double rage-x.[/quote]

Just got my Super Katana and I second that it’s a very good shirt.

The scooped neck is a huge improvement, at least for me, compared to the standard neck Katana.

Shirt has a ton of pop for a single although I think my next Katana will be a double and probably open back just for ease of entry.

im thinkin about buying the convict apt wrist and knee wraps , my squat is 450 and bench is 350. i was also thinking about buying the all black metal wraps .which would be better ?