I am not looking for sources so don’t worry. I just want input from those in Australia or those with experience down under as to their ability to obtain compounds such as:
Also any input on their experience with ordering via internet. I have heard we have very tough customs simply due to our paranoia of any wildlife or bugs destroying our ecosystem.
Paper is the way to go for orals. Don’t know anything about injectables, but probably a domestic source would be the way to go. A lot of injectables are manufactured in Oz.
AI’s are hard to get and when you find them they’re expensive. Arimidex and proviron at 250 a box. Can order clomid and Nolvadex online and get into the country. If you have any success with arimidex, femara or proviron let me know cause i’m not a fan of the afore mentioned local prices.
Where I live all the Aussies are always scared shitless of taking anything back from China. Some Aussie just got arrested and taken to court because he had DHEA in his bag going through the airport, which is still legal in America.
My Aussie friend here works for a large pharmeceuticals company and makes the joke that EVERYTHING is illegal in Aus when it comes to gear/meds/etc. Not that you need to hear this, but just be super careful. www.made-in-china.com
Thanks guys, yeah still waiting to hear from Johnny… its been 35+ degree celsius heat almost everywhere here last few days so maybe he is doing the smart thing and chillin out in front of the AC.