Gain 40% More Muscle with This Diet Strategy

Dr. Ted Naiman has made this observation as well: the standard American Breakfast is almost entirely absent of protein. Cereals, muffins, toast, bagels, donuts/pastries, oatmeal, etc. And there are some theories out there that the food we break our fast with primes our body for the day ahead. We feed it a bunch of carbs, it’s going to think it’s time to gear up for an endurance race: NOT time to build some muscle.

Ever since undertaking the Velocity Diet last year, my breakfast has been the same thing every workday: 2 scoops of Metabolic Drive. I mix it with just a splash of hot water, to make it oatmeal like in consistency, and eat it with a spoon at the table alongside my kiddo. In the summer months, if it’s too hot for oatmeal, I’ll do a splash of cold water and a little bit of crushed ice to create a ice cream like treat. It does exactly what this article gets it: primes me with protein to start my day and keeps me ahead of the protein curve. It’s also WAY too easy to make. There’s no excuse.