Ok guys I am looking for max mass gains here… Hence the compounds. I’ve not used Mast or Drol before, so these are the results of my research on the two. Also keep in mind these are all injectables, so if anyone has experience with shooting drol i’d love to hear from you.
Anadrol: Weeks 1-6
ED 2ml = 50mg Totals 350mg/week
Test Enanthate: Weeks 1-12
EOD 1ml = 250mg Totals 750mg/week
Masteron: Weeks 6-12
EOD 3ml = 60mg Totals 180mg/week (Is this dosage high enough?)
I have Clomid/Tamoxifen Mix: Weeks 1-16 (give or take)
ED Aqueous Solution 75micrograms/day
I am 33yrs young, 6’4" and 225lbs. I have a goal of a leaner than now 240lbs.
Fire Away!! Where I put the Mast is my best guess, not a lot of info out there on people stacking it with Drol. It may not even need to be there!??!
Your dosages of anadrol and masteron are both on the low side. Anadrol requires a higher dose than dianabol; 150 mg / day is typical.
Masteron isn’t going to do a great deal (nor be too apparent to you when it’s accompanied by 750 mg / wk Test E) if you’re only using 180 mg / wk. That should be at least double, if not higher. And before I go any further, is its concentration really only 20 mg / ml (60 mg in 3ml)?!? That’s incredibly dilute and a major pain in the ass. It’s virtually always 100 mg / ml. You’d need to inject ED if you wanted to run a higher dose; 6 ml EOD is impractical. (You weren’t talking about an oral masteron solution, were you?)
Whether you really need the masteron or not is another matter. In high enough quantities, it’s like tren junior: modest strength gains and a nice, dry look. Not as effective as tren, particularly for cutting or strength purposes, but still quite nice. For more of an emphasis on bulking, one might swap the masteron for boldenone or deca, run from weeks 1-11.
Stay on top of the ancillaries. I assume you have a reason for running a SERM combo instead of an AI on cycle. Not what I’d do, but I won’t argue with you. Some people just enjoy estrogen a little more. You didn’t mention hCG. A 12-weeker warrants its use.
Masteron isn’t known for it’s bulking traits, more for hardening as WTMN explained. Masteron does compliment test nicely, though, in that it’s known to reduce some of the negative sides like aromatization. It’s also believed to help block estrogen at receptor sites. That being said, I agree with WTMN, you may consider the use of an AI (a’dex) during this cycle, or at least have it before you start.
since we’re in the topic of masteron, i’ve seen a few cycle proposals with test+mast+tren. considering that mast is like the younger brother of tren (though not literally. just a figuratively) why would tren and mast be run together?
[quote]malty_goodness wrote:
since we’re in the topic of masteron, i’ve seen a few cycle proposals with test+mast+tren. considering that mast is like the younger brother of tren (though not literally. just a figuratively) why would tren and mast be run together?[/quote]
Masteron is a little easier for a lot of people to run than tren, so by combining them it gives you similar effects to a high dose tren cycle with perhaps less sides. Personally other than sweat on my pillow and waking up a little more often, I don’t have any bad sides from tren so it’s not a big deal to me. To each his own.
Most of this has been said already but I’ll summarize my thoughts and maybe some will be new.
Drol - A barebones minimum effective dose IMO is 100mg ED and as others stated more is better.
TestE 250mg EOD is terrific. Its also technically more than 750mg/wk unless you meant 3x/wk instead of EOD. Either is fine. On the grand scale 3x/wk vs EOD is almost a mute point especially with longer esters like Enanthate.
Masteron - With the possible exception of low dose Nandrolone used for joint assistance and maybe lower dosed used because one take handle the sides, IMO anything less than 300mg/wk from an injectable is rather pointless. So yeah you’re proposal for 180mg/wk of mast needles to be doubled to be effective and noticeable methinks. Also if you mast is dosed at 60mg/ml thats a very odd ratio. Is it MastProp or MastE? Because if its Prop you should be hitting that no less frequently than EOD. Also are you limited in your supply of Mast? Do you have enough to run say 400mg/wk for 10 weeks?
Its nice that you have the SERM mixture but I also concur that an AI would be preferable to have on cycle.
Finally and this goes beyond just Randizo. RE: the calling of mast tren-lite, tren jr, etc. I’ve done this too. But let’s be clear the compounds in no way are “cousins”. Bio-chemically speaking Nandrolone would be Trenbolone’s “cousin.” The apparent effects are a bit more closely related for some. Meaning, both compounds are good for increasing strength to weight ratios [tren much moreso than mast]. Both compounds [with proper diet] can assist with leaning out. Both compounds can increase the so called hardened effect/look. Masteron is much lighter on the body in terms of aerobic-cardio impact, BP, sweating-hydration issues and sleeplessness. About the only thing mast does worse than tren is eating at some guys hairline. Hence the name tren lite sometimes floats around. Without doubt or question for most people tren is the superior compound. Mast is sometimes substituted if the tren sides do not premit the user to do his desired function. So MMA guys and firefighters for instance who require their lung-aerobic-cardio capacity be not compromised might make this substitution.
I love analogies so here’s mine. Mast is like riding a stationary bike and tren is like running on the road. So if someone says hey I need to get my legs in shape and improve my endurance, both are options. You can get very good results on a stationary bike and its much less wear and tear on the body. But at the end of the day the effectiveness of running will always dominate. Unless of course you cannot deal with the sides of running. Knee pain, shin splits whatever.
Bottom Line: Don’t draw too much connection between tren and mast. Its excellent to have and use them both as their are very much different.
Hey guys, thanks fo rthe great info… To clarify a few things…
It appears that the Masteron is 100mg/ML Dosage. Seemed odd to me as well but was mis-labeled.
Also yes I suppose I failed to mention Adex will be on hand at all times. My fear with Anadrol is bloat, and gyno. Hence the Tamo/Clom mix. But yes I will def be using Adex as well.
After further review I don’t really think I see the point in the Masteron in this cycle. Therefore I will keep the 750 Test E/Week MWF, and I will need to measure my response in weeks 1-2 to Drol, then maybe flex up to 100mg which I hear causes bad migraines, emotional depression, and hair loss… All things I’d like to avoid, so if risk outweighs the benefits then I will stay at 50mg.
Now as far as deca or Bold… well hmmmm if I can find em maybe.
[quote]Randizo wrote:
Hey guys, thanks fo rthe great info… To clarify a few things…
It appears that the Masteron is 100mg/ML Dosage. Seemed odd to me as well but was mis-labeled.
Also yes I suppose I failed to mention Adex will be on hand at all times. My fear with Anadrol is bloat, and gyno. Hence the Tamo/Clom mix. But yes I will def be using Adex as well.
After further review I don’t really think I see the point in the Masteron in this cycle. Therefore I will keep the 750 Test E/Week MWF, and I will need to measure my response in weeks 1-2 to Drol, then maybe flex up to 100mg which I hear causes bad migraines, emotional depression, and hair loss… All things I’d like to avoid, so if risk outweighs the benefits then I will stay at 50mg.
Now as far as deca or Bold… well hmmmm if I can find em maybe.
Thanks all![/quote]
Your Adex will go a long way to controlling the Drol bloat. Mast will help you if you desire to inrease lean mass. It also gives many a little libido boost too. If you got Mast I’d use it. 400mg/wk is a nice level for your methinks
[quote]Randizo wrote:
Hey guys, thanks fo rthe great info… To clarify a few things…
It appears that the Masteron is 100mg/ML Dosage. Seemed odd to me as well but was mis-labeled.
Also yes I suppose I failed to mention Adex will be on hand at all times. My fear with Anadrol is bloat, and gyno. Hence the Tamo/Clom mix. But yes I will def be using Adex as well.
After further review I don’t really think I see the point in the Masteron in this cycle. Therefore I will keep the 750 Test E/Week MWF, and I will need to measure my response in weeks 1-2 to Drol, then maybe flex up to 100mg which I hear causes bad migraines, emotional depression, and hair loss… All things I’d like to avoid, so if risk outweighs the benefits then I will stay at 50mg.
Now as far as deca or Bold… well hmmmm if I can find em maybe.
Thanks all![/quote]
Your Adex will go a long way to controlling the Drol bloat. Mast will help you if you desire to inrease lean mass. It also gives many a little libido boost too. If you got Mast I’d use it. 400mg/wk is a nice level for your methinks[/quote]
Right on Saps… Much appreciated. I don’t have it yet, and yes gaining some lean mass is always a plus. Thus far I’ve been a Tren freak (love the stuff) Especially parabolan long esthered Tren. But it’s been in nearly every cycle I’ve used, and I tend to gain 4-5lbs of muscle per cycle so I am trying to double/triple that. Me Hopes!!
I just want to add that I get good results from 200-300mg/w of masteron…300mg/w and up I get really bad cramping because I am so tight so if you run that mast be on the lookout for this because with that much test and drol you are gonna be very pumped up and likely cramping will come easy.
2x for the advice on using an AI…75-mg test and drol is a recipe for gyno without it.
Hey all thanks! I have an update to add… It appears the only Drol available is going to be Oral Liquid now!
Does this change anything??? Obviously this compound is quite hepatoxic.