Hello T Forums,
This is my first post here and my first training log. I’m conducting an 8 week training experiment with two goals in mind: 1. Get Stronger 2. Get faster.
To measure my progress I’ll be using two metrics:
- Deadlift, Squat, Shoulder Press Total
- Army Physical Fitness Test score (Current score 285, with a goal of reaching 300+)
This program combines strength training, running/cardio, and functional strongman principles in an attempt to dispel the theory that to improve on the APFT you just need to focus on running, more running, and a lot more running, and push ups, followed by some sit ups.
The program overview I designed is 8 weeks in length and consists of 5 training days per week. It’s broken down by the following:
Day 1 - Long run / Core
Day 2 - Dead lift / Shoulder Press / 2-3 accessory movements
Day 3 - Sprint Day / Core
Day 4 - Bench Press / Squat / 2-3 accessory movements
Day 5 - Functional fitness day - Tire flips, farmers carry, sled pull, or a Hero WOD
The program also has two days of rest built in where needed.
I’m currently on day 3 of the program so will post all three workouts in this post and then from here on out continue with a daily log.
Day 1
Dynamic warm up
30 Minute Run at moderate pace
Cool down stretch
Day 2
Dynamic warm up
Deadlift 5x5
Max weight on last set was 275#
Strict Shoulder Press 5x5
Max weight on last set was 135#
Accessory work:
Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10 at 25#
3 sets of 1 minute sit ups, 1 minute rest in between each set
Day 3
Warmup - “Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down” body weight squats
5 x 400m sprints
10 different core exercises, 1 minute each. No rest between exercises
Supplements I will use throughout consist of:
Fish oil (9 pills a day)
Preworkout on lift days