Full Smolov Squats Log

Tested my 1RM tonight and ended up at 450. I could’ve went more, I was thinking 465, but as you see in the 450 clip, I had trouble taking it off and putting it on the rack.

I only blame myself and pissed off at myself. I should’ve went to another gym and used the rack I’m more used to. Only reason I went to this one was to use the safety bars. Had I known 450 was going to be that easy, I’d tried to get a few spotters at the other gym.


I’m happy though. 45 pound increase in 5 weeks. These next couple weeks will be lighter than the heavy shit will kick in. Thankfully, only three days a week.

I didn’t notice that guy come up behind me and help out. When I edited the video, I realized he came in like that. I went over to him and shook his hand and thanked him kindly.

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Nice lift! Did not slow down at all.

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Thank you. Can’t wait to see if I hit 500 at the end of Smolov.

I’m really not liking this week off squats… so I’ve been hitting upper body. No videos, so don’t worry. :slight_smile:

Week 7 Day 1 - Exactly 7 days since my last workout. Was supposed to be an easy 475 negative squat. Just one 475 negative squat. That’s it, wrap it up and go home.

Sorry to break the program, but I can’t do that.