Full Body vs. Body Part Training

a sticky thread: “how to get swole” would resolve this issue.

A) im not a beginner and B)sorry i’ve never seen a thread pertaining to this concept i did use the search engine but i guess i f’ed up my search and C) thank you those of you who could resist being assholes

[quote]michaellongo14 wrote:
A) im not a beginner and B)sorry i’ve never seen a thread pertaining to this concept i did use the search engine but i guess i f’ed up my search and C) thank you those of you who could resist being assholes [/quote]

Assholes? You admited that you mis-worded your intial question. So, you come here, make an incoherent post with a mis-worded question and want what? The OP made it seem as if you were new to weightlifting and didn’t know your ass from your elbow.

TBT is for pussies. Big manly men use split training!

Did I do good?

Get bigger by eating at a caloric surplus. Lift however you choose…both have their benefits, and can be equally challenging.

Beginners might want to start on TBT. Check out Chad Waterbury’s articles all over this site.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
TBT is for pussies. Big manly men use split training!

Did I do good?[/quote]

You did great.

(sigh)…actually we can’t blame you too badly. The search function on this site is atrocious.

[quote]That One Guy wrote:
(sigh)…actually we can’t blame you too badly. The search function on this site is atrocious.[/quote]

hahahahahaha yeah yeah and jesus rose again

ok people around here dont use the same “lingo” as you guys do… tbt = total body training and split = muscle group training? right?

[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:
That One Guy wrote:
(sigh)…actually we can’t blame you too badly. The search function on this site is atrocious.

hahahahahaha yeah yeah and jesus rose again[/quote]

Lol…I can’t even find threads that I know I started, even with the title of the thread. Very silly.

All this talk about TBT vs Splits.
GET A CLUE! Lifting weights is really bad for you. Besides, big muscles and veins are really gross. You should stick to healthier activities. Like long walks and scrabble.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
All this talk about TBT vs Splits.
GET A CLUE! Lifting weights is really bad for you. Besides, big muscles and veins are really gross. You should stick to healthier activities. Like long walks and scrabble. [/quote]

Yeah, I like to marathon run and under eat. Sometimes I avoid protein, ya know… for my kidney’s sake.

[quote]elusive wrote:
Iron Dwarf wrote:
All this talk about TBT vs Splits.
GET A CLUE! Lifting weights is really bad for you. Besides, big muscles and veins are really gross. You should stick to healthier activities. Like long walks and scrabble.

Yeah, I like to marathon run and under eat. Sometimes I avoid protein, ya know… for my kidney’s sake.[/quote]

Don’t forget your soy young man!

Eat some food life some fucking weights.

TBT can suck a dick.

Pick some random split make sure you have squats, deads, benchs, rows, pull ups, curls in there and bust your god damn ass.

No one who ever got massive nit picked they got in worked hard and tried to put more weight on the bar/hit more reps.

People who try and overcomplicate this shit usually never make it past a 200lb squat.

I hate splits but both clearly work.

should I do upper abs and inner pecs on one day, and outer pecs and lower abs on another?

Yeah but only if you have energy for it after your neck and wrist work. Don’t push it.

[quote]G87 wrote:
Here is something ya can’t understand… How I could just KILL A MAN![/quote]

Awesome,I listen to the rage against the machine cover of this song while i lift alot.

[quote]michaellongo14 wrote:
A) im not a beginner and B)sorry i’ve never seen a thread pertaining to this concept i did use the search engine but i guess i f’ed up my search and C) thank you those of you who could resist being assholes [/quote]

You may not be a beginner lifting but seeing as this is your 7th post,your a newb here.

[quote]That One Guy wrote:
(sigh)…actually we can’t blame you too badly. The search function on this site is atrocious.[/quote]

Literally one of the worst I have ever seen.