Full Body Program 3x5

ah ok, cool, thank you for clearing that up!

Couple of questions, though. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this all…

  1. So if I am lifting in the hypertrophy range (say a 10RM for example) and the amount I lift increases, isn’t that just like strength training in that I’ve gotten stronger? Why is it that only low reps seem to count?

  2. If I lift in the 3-5 rep range and eat in a calorie surplus, won’t I get bigger? So can’t all rep ranges be a “hypertrophy range” depending on my diet?

  3. Do sets of 20 reps really not work for getting bigger? Is it really just endurance?


If I do 3 sets of 3 reps for strength, would I be mocking the Holy Trinity?

burn the Rippetoe witch!

The power of 5s compels you!


Progression happens over many different ways. This could be rep range, sets, time under tension, range of motion, etc…

Rep ranges = certain goals is just a guideline.

The only way you get big is by feeding your body more of what it needs and rest. That is where muscle growth happens. The body does not know weight…

You can get big off of light weights if you alter the time under tension, range of motion, and learn how to really contract your muscles properly for the mind to muscle connection. You don’t need to lift heavy to get strong or big… Your muscles have no idea what it’s lifting, it just knows to lift what you’re telling it to.

There’s all different variables to help achieve your goals… Tricking your body every few weeks by changing up the routine or the workout helps for muscle gains as well…

Being in a caloric deficit to then eating at a slight surplus over maintenance will help achieve blasting through plateaus and gain results as well.

Again - what are your goals? What are you currently working with? How are you currently progressing? Where are you being challenged?

There’s no one size fits all answer.

But remember that nutrition and rest is the most important factor to ensure all that hard work in the gym is worth something.

If you’re bodybuilding, the only way to increase the weight and get stronger is to eat BIG, you must fuel your body to help your body rebuild the muscles with enough volume to continue handling the stress you put it under… That’s why bodybuilders eat BIG and they eat in a very specific way even with supplementation. Your muscles need a certain amount of macro nutrients and micro nutrients to help it rebuild and build new muscle fibers…

Reps and sets mean half as much as to HOW you’re lifting the weight, HOW you’re doing the movement, HOW you are challenging the exercise.

The rep range for hypertrophy is popular because it provides a great pump, it is the balance between strength and gaining size over time, and is where most people feel comfortable while getting those beginner gains. Eventually you will plateau and need to find the difference in order to break through that.

Just like compound movement exercises are KING for muscle growth, but eventually you’ll have to visit those isolation movements as they have their place…

I hope you’re paying attention @Yogi1 :smile:

that was pretty fucking funny

aren’t “big” and "light relative terms though? I mean, surely no one’s getting huge benching 100k, right?

how does this work? So I should be alternating between deficit and surplus?[quote=“gainz100, post:25, topic:220198”]
Your muscles need a certain amount of macro nutrients and micro nutrients to help it rebuild and build new muscle fibers…

but I thought fibres only thickened. Isn’t the formation of new fibres muscle hyperplasia as opposed to hypertrophy, and isn’t the scientific evidence a little unclear as to whether strength training can actually cause it?

aren’t these the same?

what, exactly, does this mean? How long do “beginner gains” last? At what point are you no longer a beginner?

so you don’t need isolation movements from the beginning? What about injury and imbalance prevention?

Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions!

mate I’m learning so much!

I’d say at this point you seem to be trolling… :no_mouth:

maybe a little tiny bit, but there’s no malice in it. Just trying to get you thinking about stuff a little differently is all

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Dont worry about these guys @gainz100, they’re only interested is in stripping down to their dacks, oiling themselves up and strutting around to please older men.

We can all accept running 400m will make you faster at 100m and running 100m sprints will make you faster at 400m.

Does this mean it makes fuck all difference which you train if you’re running the 100m? If your interest is mainly in showing your twitching leg muscles so the old man who gave up running 20 years ago sitting in the stands feels a tingle in his pants again, then no.

If you want to win the 100m, you’d probably spend a bit of time improving your aerobic capacity and even your strength but a crapload of time will be spent on technique and power and as you get closer to the comp it would be very specific to the event.

What about motor control unit recruitment and sarcomeres? Do they respond to the magic of five?

Look at the forest, not the trees.

Yup, I agree. It’s pretty clear the OP has the intention to specialize in the powerlifts and is planning to peak for a comp in the near future.[quote=“nelg1993, post:1, topic:220198”]
Would this routine work for size as a semi-beginner
[/quote][quote=“tsantos, post:34, topic:220198, full:true”]
Look at the forest, not the trees.

One should not MISS the forest for the trees. It’s perfectly fine to look at them as long as one knows they are part of a whole…

Reading and regurgitating info, regardless of how legit the source may be, still ends up in the same standard of rubbish being spewed.

No offense @gainz100 But looking at one of your post you claim your still at a beginner level in the gym along with seeking advice on what you need to focus on. So im guessing you dont have allot of practical experience? Your sorta coming across like a keyboard lifter which can rub certain people the wrong way.

No offense taken and don’t claim to be an expert or anything…

Yes, I lack the practical knowledge and do not have enough experience inside of the gym. Just sharing some ideas based on what I’ve learned through readings, videos, and so on…

My personal issue is that there’s so much information on how to go about lifting and hitting goals, I tend to not feel clear on my own direction the way I’d like. That also has to do with my impatience as well and fitness results is definitely a patience game.

You shall burn in Hell Fire for your implied Blasphemy

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No worries bud… just didnt want you too start on a bad foot on here.

Regarding how you feel here is what I have found regarding this stuff over the years

its 45% a science , 45% a art form and 10% just luck.

Dont over think the stuff … keep it basic and over time it will come together

That’s for sure! Good looking out. I know forums can flame people quite easily and harshly at times lol.

Between nutrition and gym programs, it can make you go in circles sometimes wondering what’s right for you, but only weeks of trial and error will really tell I guess.