[quote]CargoCapable wrote:
I already feel the need to increase energy output.
Needs more squats and sprints.
[quote]Field wrote:
[quote]CargoCapable wrote:
I already feel the need to increase energy output.
Needs more squats and sprints.[/quote]
Maybe more squats. I do deads from a low hip position however.
After running, I will be “speed roping” and think that should do it.
Once it cools, I may do bleachers. I like sprints but until I see how frequency plays out I’m holding off.
If you do full body 4-6x/week it’s important not to kill yourself. You can not allow your body to feel sore or lethargic the next day! It can be done - Olympic lifters and gymnasts do it -, but they always, always go for perfect technique. No grunting, no slow reps, no drop sets. As Dan John said, “aim for grace in any athletic endeavour”.
I think soreness is pretty hard to avoid but so far by the time a lifting day comes around I’m fine.
I did my three miles followed by jump roping today. Felt great. One aspect of running I enjoy is that it really exposes tight muscles for me. About a mile in I can start to feel my left calf or right ankle pulling tight, more so than weight training.
It gives me a great heads up for stretching and soft tissue work.
Pretty interesting read if you haven’t seen it:
I’m only a couple pages in, but good discussion about training philosophy with respect to frequency.
LoRez, good link, thanks.
Passed a kidney stone last night and am skipping the gym today.
Will resume tomorrow.
Ouch. All better?
Yeah, just a little tender. It’s my third one. I went to the emergency room for the first two but the doc told me it isn’t necessary last time after my cat scan. Evidently my kidneys are full of them but none large enough to cause any major damage. He sent me home with a bottle of vicoden and told me to put them in the freezer as I would most likely need them every couple years.
Just in case anyone reading has them too, the doc also told me that a quarter cup of lemon juice mixed in to 2 liters of warm water first thing in the am on an empty stomach will dissolve or shrink the stones. It has to be lemon though, lime or other citrus fruits won’t work. He says its good for digestion too, causes the body to produce bile or something and has a general cleansing effect due to its diuretic and antioxident nature, AND is evidently a natural antiseptic, not to mention vitamin c. Sounds like a superfood to me.
Anyways, I’ve been reading some good stuff regarding frequency and appreciate all the links. I am going to give it three more weeks and probably add more volume for specific muscle groups though, maybe two lifts per session, 4x wkly instead of one.
Front Squats 5x5
Barbell Bench Press 5x5
SLDL 3x8
Barbell Overhead Press 5x5
Weighted Chins 5x5 (failed at 3rd rep, last set)
Calf Raise 3x12
Seated Cable Rows 3x12
Preacher Curls 3x12
Ab Wheel
I’m going to add more volume for sure. Probably dumbell lateral raises, pec deck and a second row variation, unless it’s incline press and dip day as chest and shoulders are already getting hit twice.
Where you’re heading, if I’m following, is where I was at. I basically did 2 chest, 2 back, a big leg and then accessory work. Accessory being shoulders/bi’s/tri’s. I did almost exclusively incline BB bench, so I though my shoulders got a reasonable amount of work. Though some times I’d do standing military and just hammer out a bunch of DB incline bench work.
Yeah, I’m going to do two chest, two back and two shoulder with a big leg and the accessory work.
One lift per muscle just isn’t going to cut it. I don’t doubt my strength will continue to grow but I want some size out of it too.
3 miles and some speed roping, felt great.
We finally got a cool front and SE Texas temps are now in the low 90’s with significantly less humidity. Considering an average “feels like” temp of about 105 last week that is like a 15 degree swing and 90 has never felt so awesome.
I added the extra lifts and think I will be much happier.
I’m not going to keep a log, I use an old school pen and notebook already.
Most of my intent has been answered via discussion and links.
Would be great for continued discussion or even debate on volume vs. frequency but I’m not sure this is the correct forum.
[quote]CargoCapable wrote:
I added the extra lifts and think I will be much happier.
I’m not going to keep a log, I use an old school pen and notebook already.
Most of my intent has been answered via discussion and links.
Would be great for continued discussion or even debate on volume vs. frequency but I’m not sure this is the correct forum.[/quote]
Cool that you’ve got it working to your liking. I keep a log here and of course a note book as well. I like keeping a log in both “realms”. That way if you do have questions or whatever, you can say “hey check out my log, blah blah blah”.
I’m sure a debate about vol vs. freq will end up about as product as Dems vs. Rep lol!
Discussions often turn here…
I may give a few updates to discuss progress vs. my usual split in case it is helpful to any readers.
Any other talking points or links in the meantime would be appreciated.
Well today’s article was certainly interesting. I can’t comment on live feeds for some reason but enjoyed it.